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Arabel is a fortified city in northern Cormyr. The city stands at an important crossroads and is a major trade center known for its many taverns and inns.
Baseline information in regards to Arabel can be found here.
Modifications to the actual lore include:   1490s after the Great War:
  • At first glance, the city does not seem to be influenced by the ongoing War of the Eclipse. The government hasn't taken an official stance yet and does not seem like it is about to.
  • The fight currently happening is actually a lot more insidious. It may not seem like it to strangers, but the citizens of the city experience on the daily an inside struggle, as the inns and taverns fight each others for customers, all of which under the banners of Sehanine and Pelor. All of which, except the shabby-looking Wild Goose Inn, which only a few know to be the front for the World Serpent Inn.
    Taverns of Pelor
    Taverns of Sehanine
    Black Mask
    Bent Bow
    Ivory Jack
    Black Barrel
    Lame Camel
    Coiled Whip
    Lazy Lizard
    Dancing Dracolisk
    Silver Tankard
    Wink and Kiss!
    Striking Snake
    Two-Headed Lion
    Inns of Pelor
    Inns of Sehanine
    Hungry Man Inn
    Eastwatch Inn
    Elfskull Inn
    Falcon's Rest
    Irriphar's Inn
    High Moon Inn
    Mother Lahamma's House
    Murdered Manticore Inn
    Nine Fires Inn
    Night Wolf Inn
    Phaesha's Boarding House
    Pride of Arabel
    Red Stirge Inn
    Scarlet Spear
    Tired Traveler Inn
    Shassra's Board House
    The Watchful Lynx
    Swinging Gate
    Weary Knight
        1492 after the Great War: -  A drunk traveler claims he saw two brass dragons, one of which was ridden by a man, fly into Shadowdale . No one from Shadowdale could corroborate this story.     1494 after the Great War:
  • It is revealed that the rider from the drunk's story was Marko the Prophet, a man who, incredibly enough, tricked the famous Elminster into helping him age his dragons rapidly, using powerful chronomancy magic. Elminster will be kept prisonner by Marko's tricks, until he is eventually freed by the Golden Company.

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