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Shadowdale, is a farming community in the Dalelands. It is the home of the archmage Elminster Aumar and is the home of two of the Seven Sisters, Storm Silverhand and Syluné. Through its history, Shadowdale battled both Zhentarim and drow invasions. Due to the large number of ruins in Shadowdale, it is a popular place for adventuring companies to settle.
Baseline information in regards to Shadowdale can be found here.
Modifications to the actual lore include:   1493 after the Great War:
  • Multiple parties of adventurers stumble into town asking questions about two brass dragons, one of which ridden by a man, who had supposedly flown in months prior. The rumor was spread by a drunk traveler in Arabel . No one can corroborate this story. Most of those parties are not sent back home just yet though, as the ghost of Anastra Syluné Silverhand is worried since the famous Elminster has seemingly disappeared. As of yet, none of the search parties sent have yet to have found him.
  •   1494 after the Great War:
  • Oddly enough, a man calling himself Marko the Prophet appears in Skalnaedyr flying a brass dragon. It is later revealed that, through a very clever strategy, Marko was able to kidnap Elminster and bind him to his will. The process took several days.
  • By the end of the year, Elminster is returned to his home by his friend Mordekainen. It was thanks to the exploits of the Golden Company .
  • Shadowdale's crest


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