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Cimbar, also known as the City of Arts, is known as a city of philosophy and art. It has colleges for both sages and artists that produces some of the greatest circuses, thinkers, theatre companies, painters, philosophers, historians and poets Faerûn has ever seen. The streets of Cimbar are beautiful and clean, being divided into two halves: Old Cimbar and New Cimbar.   Old Cimbar contains both the Palace of the Sceptanar, a grandiose academy dedicated to the creation of art in its many forms, and The University, a haven of knowledge specialized in humanoïd ressources, philosophy and history. New Cimbar had the largest port in the region and many homes and shops, as well as theaters aplenty, a hippodrome, and an arena.   Cimbar is also the hometown of many figures known well outside of the city's walls. Out of those, two stand out greatly. First, The Dick of Cimbar: a male gnome escort known for its impressively large and vigorous appendage. The second, The Performer, an avant-garde artist that has made quite a reputation for herself through her live painting shows.  
1470s after the Great War:
  • An orphan growing alone in the streets of Cimbar starts selling ''animated paintings'', seemingly without using magic. Some people start saying she's as Chosen of Corellon. She rapidly starts getting more and more generous offers to perform in various events, which allows her to obtain rapid fame and a more than fair living. Being attributed the nickname ''The Performer '', she eventually starts her own show, one that becomes one of the highest grossing in the business.
  •   1480s after the Great War:
  • A band made solely of half-orcs grows rapidly in popularity. Named ''The Half-Orchestra'', it grows to fame and falls out of favor within the same year.  In the late 1480s, some members leave, noticeably one of the star percusionnists called Zevaga ''Zev'' Bashùll. He will later be killed during a claim to fame, alongside another member of his adventuring party. 
  •   1493 after the Great War:
  • The Performer disappears without a trace and her theater is left to slowly gather dust.
  •   1495 after the Great War:
  • Providence, a party of young women eager to prove their worth as adventurers to the Golden Company, investigates the disappareance of the Performer and eventually links it to many murders happening around the city. It is eventually revealed that Khada Jhin, Laïla Jhin's (the Performer) father, has abducted his daughter once she reached adulthood and forced her to ''push her art'' through murder. This whole story will eventually be known and published as ''The Sad Story of the Performer ''.
  • Type
    Large city


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