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Golden Company

The Golden Company, is a renowned adventuring party settled in Athkatla . They are considered responsible for a variety of great achievements, most notably for their central role in stopping the War of the Eclipse, a conflict that spanned from 1477 to 1497 after the Great War.  

Members - as of year 1500 after the Great War

Aoth Rhazard of Cathyr, Aspect of the Hawk Alive General and consultant of War for the city of Cathyr 
Barabash Gathakanaky Alive Father of 9, living in Nakvaligach with his wife.
Demi Spelunky Alive Father of 1, fighting crime in Waterdeep whilst managing the relations between officials of the city and the Thieves' Guild.
Ilanor Ascended God of Destiny, Hope and Second Chances. Domain in the Blessed Fields of the Elysium.
Halkas Alive Fighting in the Wychlaran war in the Rashemen .
Baphomet Alive Fighting in the Wychlaran war in the Rashemen .
Loolna Alive Fighting in the Wychlaran war in the Rashemen .
Johnny Doe Alive Head of a pirate spelljammer in the Astral Plane.
Karuto -
Glorifrad Deceased Died in Menzoberrazan, buried on the grounds of the Castle of the Eclipse, near Athkatla .
Yarpen Deceased Died in Menzoberrazan, buried on the grounds of the Castle of the Eclipse, near Athkatla .
Zibeline Deceased Died in Menzoberrazan, buried on the grounds of the Castle of the Eclipse, near Athkatla .
Trar/Selios Unknown Left for the Feywild in 1497. No one has heard from him since.
Ianvalor Unknown Left for the Feywild in 1497. No one has heard from him since.
Fahra Faray Unknown Left for the Feywild in 1497. No one has heard from her since.
Mr Mind Living Main star of its own constellation.
Hirdrine Deceased Murdered in Candlekeep. It's body is presumably in the Sea of Swords.
Rafey Fara Alive Studies in secret the primordial in Telos City .
Beru, Archduke of Avernus Alive Leading devil armies on the battlefields of Avernus.
Criella  Alive Head of the Thieves' Guild of Waterdeep, consultant to the Thieves' Guild of Athkatla.
Chef Mathis Alive Married to Myrtle, a bruiser for the Thieves' Guild. Plans to open a restaurant.
Kiran (former) Deceased Turned on the Golden Company by assasinating Aoth.
Blasta Missing Disappeared from the Castle of the Eclipse to accomplish his destiny through space and time. 
X (former) Deceased                        Sold the Golden Company to further his Purple Haze  Empire.
Annabella Alive Runemaster and runic studies teacher in a university in Cimbar . Also gives some classes regarding to runes in Athkatla's College of Magic.
Lorreak (honorary) Alive Teaches at Strixhaven and publishes books, partenering with Mordekainen on many publications.
Tommy Alive Assistant to Gilmore in Athkatla. Enchants the mastercrafted items made by his father-figure.
Gilmore Alive Owns his quaint little blacksmith shop in the River District of Athkatla .
Dany Merguez  (honorary) Alive You know him, just beatin' corruption.
Adventuring Party


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