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Dany Merguez

The Constable


Body Features & Mental Characteristics

  Dany Merguez is an adult man in his late 30s, by 1493 after the Great War, with a compulsive personality. His dark mess of curly hair is usually recognizable from the far, and his usual stubble is reminiscent of someone being too busy with anything but taking care of themself. Dany Merguez has looked for a purpose his whole life. He went through an important mid-life crisis when he discovered his true purpose: uncovering corruption in all of its forms, bringing swift justice to the corrupt and the immoral.  

Personal history

  Born in Athkatla from a medium-class family, Dany Merguez was not an exceptional child by any means. He never was particularly good at anything and always had a hard time finding a passion. Every once in a while, he would get sucked in a project that would take most of its time, but would rapidly abandon said projects, rarely bringing them to a term. He left for a year to study at the Academy For Soldiers in Waterdeep. His father thought this would be an efficient way to ''turn a ne'er do weller into a fine young man with a future''.   After barely receiving his diploma, Dany came back to Athkatla to work as city guard. There, he met Verina, a female half-elf who he eventually married. The marriage was short-lived, as Verina eventually came to the inevitable conclusion that Dany was not the type of man that would make her happy, mentioning that she '' married [him] because she was going through a rough patch and that being with him made her feel better about herself''.   Dany, newly divorced and still struggling with finding a meaning to its lackluster life, eventually crossed path with members of the Golden Company in 1492 after the Great War. The group, trying at first to use of his privilege as member of the guard to investigate a closed shop, eventually infuses a sense of purpose into Dany Merguez: he needed to unearth the corruption that plagued the city that he loved so much. Enthralled by his new vocation, Dany declared himself the new Constable of Corruption, a completely invented and self-given title. Due to the important political and governmental shifts occuring by the end of the year 1492, most people assumed someone else had given the title to Dany, allowing him much freedom (but not much budget) to lead its investigation of the corruption within Athkatla. His investigation rapidly led him to Waterdeep, where he discovered secrets about the Xanathar Syndicate .   Wanting to further deconstruct the corrupted institutions in place, he decided, by himself, to undergo an undercover mission without telling anyone. He joined the ranks of the Xanathar Syndicate and stole a powerful artefact that seemed important to the Xanathar Syndicate. Eventually, this led the organization into a civil war against other factions, blaming just about every other criminal organization for the theft of the item. When the Golden Company  comes into Xanathar lair, seeking the exact same artefact, they discover that Dany had stolen it for them, but was unable to escape due to a major lockdown in the syndicate's lair. A battle ensued in the depths of the lair, where Dany was killed, but eventually revived by his comrades. Victorious, the Golden Company offers, as a reward, a large sum of cursed money to the ''Constale of Corruption'', which he accepted. The curse was applied to the fortune, and made it impossible for anyone but the holder of said fortune to see any value to it.    Dany Merguez then settled down in Waterdeep, becoming a valuable link between the underworld, now led by the leader of the thieve's guild: Criella, and the local authorities. By the end of 1495, he was officially named ''Constable in charge of external relations'', a title he still kept referring as ''Constable of corruption''.   


  Dany Merguez went to public school, and then to the Academy For Soldiers in Waterdeep. He did not receive any notable mentions and had slightly-below-average grades during his whole scholarity.  


  Dany Merguez is actually the Constable of Corruption of Athkatla, a title now officially recognized in the city, and has the position of ''constable in charge of external affairs'' in Waterdeep. He specializes in relations between government bodies and underworld leaders. He still keeps an eye out to prevent corruption from happening.   

Wealth & Financial state

  Dany Merguez survives through the small per diems from the Athkatla governement and from generous donations of the Golden Company for most of its ear operations. Once he settled in Waterdeep, his new position allowed him to live a comfortable, average life.
Year of birth 1457 after the Great War   Sex Male   Eyes Brown   Hair & Beard Permanent stubble of a beard, dark and curly hair that always seems completely out of control.   Skin Tone/Pigmentation Tanned   Height 5'9''   Approximate Weight 185 lbs   Honorary & Occupational Titles Constable of Corruption (self-appointed)


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