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Geldaneth, is the second largest city in Mulhorand. It is a preceptual government led by the clergy of Ioun, goddess of knowledge. The city is mostly known for housing Faerûn's largest museum: the Von Diamond Cabinet of Mysteries, owned and curated by none other than Dirk Von Diamond . Because of this establishment, the region has attracted a lot of scholars and archaeologist, making the region a hotspot to study ancient history.
Baseline information in regards to Geldaneth can be found here.
Modifications to the actual lore include:
  513 after the Great War:
  • The Church of Ioun signs a decree stating that, in order to obtain citizenship, thus the right to own land, one must present a degree from an university in Faerûn.

      1440 after the Great War:
  • A young Dirk Von Diamond opens a small museum, which quickly becomes a massive success, due to the high number of extremely rare and ancient items that it has on display.

      1455 after the Great War:
  • The Von Diamond Cabinet of Mysteries is already known across the continent and has established itself as one of, if not the, biggest source of income for the city. The small museum built many expansions and annexes and became a grand, but very heavily guarded, establishment. Some people say that this is the only place in the world that can't be stolen from and that its arcane and martial protections are beyond any other.
  • Jean-Guy, Coaches and Carriages opens near the south-border of Geldaneth.

  •   1492 after the Great War:
  • A mythical shield, thought to have been owned by Pelor during its mortal life, disappears from the Von Diamond Cabinet of Mysteries. Dirk Von Diamond  places a large bounty on the Golden Company , which he believes to have stolen its most precious artifact. The loss of the shield has a large impact on the reputation of the aforementioned cabinet, since it was by far its most popular artifact.

      1493 after the Great War:
  • The Laughing Halfling, an inn operated by a human simply named Makhia and specializing in ''Open Scene'' nights that showcase poetry, theater, musical performances and other forms of art, gets a lot of attention for signing a short-term contract with Bar-To-Go, a nomad band of travelers headlining Typhoon, celebrity pop-singer, and Drix Henry Jimmer, unparalleled guitarist of equal renown. One night, the celebrations are interrupted by Vittorio Marotta, a menacing halfling and known underling of Dirk Von Diamond . The halfling coerces the group into kidnapping Kiran, a summoner from the Golden Company.
  • The Butcher, one of Von Diamond's most known enforcers and torture, is found murdered in its shop. Rumors have it that he was interrogating Kiran when the Golden Company busted through his door and killed him. Riding the neighborhood of the Butcher created discordance among the commonfolks of the market district. Some people where grateful that the Golden Company rid them of the Butcher's presence in the neighborhood, some others kept their allegiance toward Von Diamond, favoring coins above anything else.

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