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The Uneventful Place

Pakatipathu, also known in the nearby cities as the Uneventful Place, is a fairly small and quaint village south of the large city of Reovera . Most of its locals rarely ever travel, thus leaving their education of the outside word resting solely on the rare weary travelers looking for a night of respite on their way to Reovera. The community is considered calm and the village is known to house an increasingly popular party of adventurers calling themselves Mulieres Nebulones. They reside somewhere in the tiny forest located just on the Northern outskirts of the village.     1491 after the Great War:  
  • The resident mage, an apt transmutation wizard called Finnegan Buttenham is, unbeknowst to the locals, turned into a goat by his former apprentice Ahmed Noke. Unable to make contact with anyone, Finnegan has to resign himself to living the life of a goat until the time is right. Noke thus establishes in his former master's home, a large treehouse hidden in the forest on the outskirts of the village.
  •   1493 after the Great War:  
  • A small group of all-female adventurers calling themselves the Mulieres Nebulones decides to stay at the local inn of Pakatipathu, a building called the Limping Fox owned by a human woman called Eleanor Montmark, for the night. During their stay, their help is requested by Finnegan, who managed to break free from his captor. The group, through an exerting and demanding night, eventually manages to vanquish Ahmed Noke and free his servants from his grip. But, while trying to bring Finnegan back to its true form, they accidentally turn him into what is know as a Gibbering Mouther, smashing his intellect and reducing him to nothing but a fragment of his former self. After mercy killing him, the group sends a letter to his wife letting her know that her husband, whom she had been worried about for 2 years, has died heroically while saving other people. Mulieres Nebulones also seized the opportunity to establish their new base of operation, their residence for the time being, within the confines of the treehouses that Finnegan once called home. There, the original members of the group, Inez, Khajit, Book, Ava and their bear Popo started their new life, with the help of the goliath Dimitri, Ava's boyfriend, responsible of keeping the house clean and the members of the group well fed while they attend to greater adventures.

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