Falan Elwind

Falan Elwind

Worships “The Unnamed God” which is the being he believes has created the multiverse and everything in it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A bit small for Dragonborn, but decently sized by Human standards, Falan is toned, and quite strong, but he is no bodybuilder. He has kept himself in good shape, but holds extra weight due to his scaly, Dragon physique.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Found as a baby in the forest (that's all his father told him), and was raised by his father (Galen Elwind) in a small cabin just outside Westruun. He often travelled to the city with his father or his teacher, Seryu, but never became familiar with the city like he would the forest. While Seryu watched over and stayed with him most nights, his father was frequently off on "Ranger business", saving lives. He had always asked his father to teach him to be a Ranger and often begged his father to take him along on his long trips. Yet, he was often left behind, as it is a dangerous world and Galen told him he was not ready to face it yet. This left Falan in the care of Seryu, a smart and kind High Elf. Though she taught him much, and was the closest thing to a mother that Falan ever had, she was often a bit colder and more distant than his father was. When Falan was 14, having nearly reached his full physical maturity, he had taken another trip into the city with Seryu. Galen was off on another trip, but Seryu had been able to leave Falan on his own at the shack more frequently now, since he was growing older. As they walked through the markets, searching for the food and supplies they needed. Suddenly, they heard a deafening, guttural roar from the skies, as the great black dragon, Umbrasyl descended from the skies with others in tow. Seryu used her innate magic to turn the two of them invisible, running through the streets as destruction rained through the city. There were a few close calls, but eventually they were able to sneak out of the city through a secret pathway that Seryu had known about, running all the way back to the shack and barricading themselves inside. When Galen returned, he promised to end his frequent comings and goings and enter into retirement once he trained Falan to be a Ranger and carry on his legacy. Falan trained long and hard, stumbling many times during his father's training, but he loved every moment of it. While he could have done fine without the frequent muscle cramps of pushing his body this hard, he loved being a part of his father's mission. All Falan's life, his father had told him what a Ranger should be, and now, Falan was becoming that... He hoped. He often doubted whether or not he could truly live up to his father's legacy, and the image of a true Ranger. Soon enough, he would prove himself. Not long after Falan's 18th birthday, his father told him about a "Help wanted" poster on the message board in town. This was Falan's chance to prove he was ready to be a Ranger. He would find the bear on his own and take it down, bringing back proof that he had slain the beast and rid the city of this menace who had attacked and killed a number of travellers in the last few nights. When Falan finally found the bear, he perched himself in a tree, firing at it with his longbow. Before he could take it down the beast had climbed partly up the tree, snapping the branch Falan was on. The bear pinned him to the ground before he could get up, and opened its jaw wide to bite down on Falan's head. As he looked up at the beast's mouth, he screamed louder than he ever had before, believing this to be the end. As he screamed, ice erupted from his mouth, straight into the bear. Falan had always seen a but of cool vapor rise from his nostrils when he sneezed too hard, but he had never done anything like this. The bear fell over dead on top of Falan. It took him nearly an hour to get out from under the thing, but he had done it. He had killed the bear. He had saved lives. He returned to his father with the bear's claws, and was given one to remember his first successful mission. His father would never know just how much it truly meant to him. Not long after, Falan set out on his own to find people who needed the help of a Ranger. Galen moved into the city, but kept the shack in case he or Falan ever needed it again. (Unbeknownst to Falan, Galen recently married Seryu and the two live together in Westruun. Galen would've sent Falan a letter, but wasn't sure where he could find him.)

Gender Identity





Educated privately by the High-Elf Woman, Seryu, an acquintance of his father's, Falan was taught the ways of the world, reading and writing in different languages, and a basic curriculum, but his social skills were always lacking, as he found it hard to make friends. Living in a cabin in the woods, and being a strange half-dragon kid, who reached maturity faster than all the other kids didn't help either. Falan remembers his lessons and does his best to be kind and courteous to most people when he can. At the age of 14, following the attacks of the Chroma Conclave and Umbrasyl on Westruun, Falan's father decided to retire from his ceaseless adventuring and finally train Falan as a Ranger. Over the course of four years, he taught Falan everything he knew about being a Ranger, including the use of different weapons and survival skills in the wilderness. Falan always struggled to learn his father's magic, but he's getting the hang of it now. Now that he is on his own, his adventures and struggles are teaching him more than his father ever could, he is realizing.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Killed a bear that was terrorizing a local town, and claimed one of its claws to prove his worth as a Ranger.

Failures & Embarrassments

Took a bad deal from a Fey that nearly got his friends killed fixing it. Two of them have been irreperably changed. Accidentally told Meadow she was old. He didn't mean it that way, but what matters is NOT what you said, but what the other person HEARD, he feels.

Mental Trauma

Despite being a Dragonborn, Falan is fearful of dragons ever since the attack by the Chroma Conclave on Westruun. Had a very real nightmare one night where all his friends and died, and he was forced to watch Meadow be tortured to death. The next day, he watched his best friend die.

Morality & Philosophy

In the absence of any sort of guidebook for life and morality, Falan does his best to feel out the right choice, and when he is unsure, he often prays to his God.

Personality Characteristics


He wants to live up to his father's legacy and help people the best way he can. Falan will not admot it to himself, but he is adventuring to different places to also find his true parentage.

Virtues & Personality perks

People deserve to be defended from monsters. Whether that monsters is a beast or a man.

Vices & Personality flaws

Falan rarely believes in himself like he believes in other people or his God. He has made too many mistakes.


Contacts & Relations

Galen Elwind - adoptive father (Human Male) Seryu - Nanny/Teacher/Tutor (High Elf Female)

Religious Views

Follows the teachings of his father, having recognized the beauty and craftsmanship in nature, and deciding that it must have been created by something. As many gods are worshipped, but none are accredited with the sole creation of the multiverse, Falan and his father worship the "Unnamed God" of creation.

Wealth & Financial state

Only what he has earned.

White-Scaled Dragonborn Ranger. Found as a baby and raised by Galen Elwind in a cabin just outside Westruun.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Current Residence
“The Ranger’s Shack” in Bramblewood just west of Westruun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Scaled
Known Languages
Common Draconic Elvish


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