Ocarym Noccr Character in Toril | World Anvil

Ocarym Noccr


A student of the magical arts made an incredible mistake, affecting one of his fellow classmates. Instead of facing his fears, he fled the country with a bounty on his head. Ocarym @is a simple man, who doesn’t need much words to get around. He always tries to lighten the depressive atmosphere that hangs around in Barovia.  


Ocarym started his adventure in a tavern, far away from his old life. When he let his guard down for a small moment, a bounty hunter named Jakior de Onverschrokken discovered him and was hired to take him back to his school. One thing led to another, and with Jakior de Onverschrokken gone, Ocarym Noccr and Gimble Nimble are the only two of the original group left that entered Barovia together.   Through the years, Ocarym saw himself as a brother role for Gimble Nimble. They get along like they’ve know each other for decades.   After the party had arrived at Van Richten’s Tower, they took a well deserved break from the evil of Barovia. Ocarym Noccr needed some time for himself, but has yet to return from the woods… Did he walk the same path Jakior de Onverschrokken had before him?
Affiliation: The Abbot (assistant)
Species: Dragonborn
Gender: Male
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Orc
Status: Alive