
A female tiefling messenger working for Jacque.



messenger (Vital)

Towards Jac Commerçant



Jac Commerçant

messengee (Important)

Towards Crelista




While passing through the city of Baldur's Gate, on his way home to Waterdeep after completing his first semester at Candlekeep, Jac found himself missing his coin purse. This infuriated him! He spend the next two weeks conducting an investigation until he discovered that he was robbed by a young tiefling named Crelista.   When he arrived at Crelista's home (a makeshift hovel in an old abandoned building), he arrived to find her sobbing over the body of an old tiefling woman, an empty potion bottle laying beside her. "It didn't work..." she cried. Jac quickly surmised that she had stolen the gold to by a potion of some sort, in an attempt to save this woman. The woman turned out to be Crelista's mother.   Inspecting the bottle, Jac's anger redirected as he realized the girl had been sold a false potion by a con artist. After assisting Crelista in a proper funeral for her mother and bringing the con artist who sold her the false potion to justice, Jac brought Crelista to Bilbin Stichensew's shop in Waterdeep, leaving her in the care of his trusted friend. "Listen to this man." Jac told Crelista. "He will teach you what you need to know to find your purpose".   When Crelista grew restless working at Bilben's shop, Jac hired her as a messenger to "keep her out of trouble". Crelista scoffs at Jac's paternal concern, but always completes her deliveries and errands to the best of her ability. To Crelista, this is the best way to show respect to the man who helped put her mother to rest and avenge her death. While she still hasn't found her "purpose", she does enjoy that her job allows her to see the world, and hopes she will stumble across her place in it someday.


friend (Vital)

Towards Bilben Stitchensew



Bilben Stitchensew

friend (Vital)

Towards Crelista




When Crelista became an orphan at a young age, she was found by Jac Commerçant, a fellow orphan who was known a young man studying at Candlekeep. Jac brought her to Bilbin Stichensew for care. Bilben, having aged a bit since he took in Jac, took a more relaxed approach to caring for Crelista. While initially trying to put her to work in his shop, like he had done for Jac years prior, he quickly found that, in addition to having no talent as a tailor, the girl did not have the love of business that Jac had either. He did find, however, that she was very keep to run errands for him and explore the city. Now that she had a job and a place to stay, she didn't need to steal anymore, as she had in her home of Baldur's Gate.   While exploring Waterdeep kept her busy for a number of years, eventually she longed to see more of the outside world. To this end, she left Bilben's shop and went to work for Jac as a personal messenger.

Parents (Adopting)