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Captain Commander of the Elven Guard

The Captain Commander of the Elven Guard, or just Captain Commander, is the highest ranking military officer in the Elven army.  

The World's Strongest Soldier

Captain Commander is a title bestowed only to the greatest warrior in the Elven Guard, an experienced soldier, capable commander, and reliable individual.   It dates back to Tavzion Mossense, the Elf that fought hand-to-hand with a God during the Holy Rebellion, the first soldier to pledge his allegiance to Queen Meiriris Nerifir when she was crowned as the first mortal ruler of Camor.

Hierarchy of the Elven Guard

  • Elven Monarch
  • Captain Commander
  • Captain of the Corps
  • Sous Captain
  • Aspirant Captain
  • Commander
  • Lower Ranked Officers
  • Non-Officers
Mossense had military experience, serving as a soldier for the Gods when they were enslaving the Elven and Orcish people. After betraying the Gods for his own people, no longer fearing their power, he now had the experience to lead his own army. One for a cause he believed in.  
Captain Commander Tavzion Mossense by Jarhed
The Nerifir Kingdom.   As other Captains took their positions, Mossense led them and the army, then passing his title down, first to his first soldier, Palaster Meyldre, then on and on long after his life had ended. Since then, it is passed down to a new capable Captain following the death or retirement of the Captain Commander.   During the process of passing the title down, a particular phrase is used:
"Mossense's will passes this to you through me, as you shall do again when the time comes for you. He lives in your heart now, in your blade, in your mind, and in your soul. You are Tavzion Mossense. You are the Captain Commander."
  Mossense was a legend even when he lived, but after he passed the title down, he became a figure steeped in mythology, to the point that the role of Captain Commander is seen less as stepping into his shoes and more him stepping into the inheritor's soul.   Many outside of the Nerifir Kingdom find it rather strange, as this elevates Mossense to an almost divine role despite his deep hatred for all things holy after suffering under the rule of Mimir and Satanael. Why make him anything more than an example to follow? Other say that is all this does, keep people following his standard. Either way, it is an ancient part of the inheritance ceremony since Palaster Meyldre passed her title down to Yonnith Quist.
Captain Commander Palaster Meyldre by Jarhed


The Captain Commander does not have many official duties that are set out for them. Instead, most of their actions are up to their own discretion. They may accompany whichever of the Corps D'armée they please, assuming the role of Captain of the Corps, or they may stay with their own personal detachment of soldiers. Some Captain Commanders, like Narkard Leran or Olazion Yollastran, even prefer to fight alone rather than surrounded by their most trusted comrades.   They must always, of course, follow the orders of the King/Queen of the Elves, though this is less a duty and more something that all Elves must do. The Captain Commander, as the sword of the throne, is merely most beholden to this oath.   There is one major duty that all Captain Commanders have, though, whether in peace or not. They are the leader of the Elven Guard, and that means their orders determine what the entire army does. Are they meant to protect Camor and Camor Keep, the major purpose and namesake of the Elven Guard, or will they march out to the battlefields?   This is most important during war, as the Captain Commander determines what the strategy of the army will be, often with advice from the other Captains of the Elven Guard. This was most clear during the Draco-Elvish War, when the plans of Captain Commander Wallis Nalo turned the tides of the war and saved the Elves from the greatest mage in history. Another famous example is Narkard Leran's handling of the beast invasion of Camor, where instead of having the army hunt the animals, he cornered them in a closed off city by having his soldiers block off the entrances and exits first and foremost.
Captain Commander Wallis Nalo by Jarhed

Envoy to the Enemy

The Captain Commander is also a political and public figure. They deal heavily in diplomacy, often serving as an envoy to foreign states where it may not be safe to send the monarch.   On the same note, they are the ones that declare war and make peace. Wars are started and ended on the words of the Captain Commander, and the only authority that can stop them is the monarch, but they rarely do because they are the ones that determine if a Captain Commander is right for the position. If they disagree, that person likely would not be Captain Commander (though there are some few exceptions).   This is most important for the three great enemies of the Elven Guard: the Dwarves, the Draconians, and the Kingdom of Man.   The Captain Commander holds a place of significance in the court of the Kingdom of Man, as Narkard Leran helped found the nation despite knowing the conflict of interest. For this, Captain Commanders are welcomed where Elves often are not in the Kingdom of Man.   When it comes to Draconians, there is something very important about many of the modern Captain Commanders since Arandon Vonar: they all attended the Magic College of Zephys, a Draconian institution for learning how to utilize ones mana most effectively.  
Captain Commander Narkard Leran by Jarhed
This is, thus, an in that the Elves have in Draconian society, as graduates of the Magic College are honored and invited back every year to witness graduation tournaments and ceremonies.   This serves as a perfect time for the Captain Commander to keep the peace and remind the Grand Wizard (and any other Draconians) that they, too, have graduated from that prestigious institution and that they are not to be trifled with, but also that they have a past with the Draconians and may not wish to see it squandered on potential wars.   There could not be anything further from this when it comes to the role of the Captain Commander witht the Dwarves. Here, the Captain Commander is the only Elf that most Dwarves respect, but they both also know they have no intention of peace and so never intend to make peace until they have thoroughly beaten the enthusiasm for war out of each other.   When a Dwarf meets the Captain Commander on the battlefield, they know they are likely to lose, and yet few give up or run. Instead, they try their hand at combat, hoping to become the one Dwarf that succeeded where others fail. But none ever have.   No Captain Commander has ever died in battle. They are the greatest warriors in the world, and it is their might that determines the path of the world. If one was to ever find themselves on the receiving end of a Captain Commander's blade, only defeat and death await.  


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Aug 17, 2024 01:48 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Very detailed article, well-structured, intriguing, and informative as always!   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 19, 2024 20:21 by Jared

Thank you so much!

Come and take a look around my world, Totania!
Aug 30, 2024 05:12 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there again! Just letting you know that I featured your article as one that caught my eye in my Reading Challenge. Thanks again for sharing! God bless. <3