Head Priest Profession in Totania | World Anvil
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Head Priest

A Head Priest is the standard title for the highest religious figure at a certain point in time  
Amara by Yumedatchi

Leading Religious Figures

As the leading figures of world religions, Head Priests are some of the most well known figures of any era. While a citizen in a remote village may not know the name of the King of their nation, let alone a foreign one, faith unifies many people.   Due to this, Head Priests often issue statements to their followers all over the world and even make a point of traveling around the world to meet with their followers. Often these meetings are written as holy events.   It is a great honor to see or meet a Head Priest, and they can give out blessings that aid in life, battle, or other necessary tasks.  

Channelling of Divinity

Of course, it should be noted that Head Priests are not themselves divine.
Caddos Damolnath by Jarhed
  They are merely conduits of divine power. They channel power from their respective Gods through worship, being the mouthpieces and right hands of those Gods on the surface.   Each is given a power, known as Holy Might, which is representative of a certain aspect or domain of their God or Goddess. These Holy Mights enhance their current abilites and grant them new, unique ones.   An example is that of the Nameless Monk, who uses the Holy Might of Strength to stack up and build his strength the longer he doesn't use it, since Leigong teaches to only use your power when absolutely necessary and to never waste it on things beneath you.  
Dhurnas Blackmane by AnthraxSurprise
Head Priests may also wield Mightems to suit these powers as well, some of these Mightems being crafted by the Head Priests themselves for their use or for others.   These are items imbued with Holy Might or the powers of Gods, but can be wielded by anyone who carries them, like the Cross of Athena.   They do not just channel divine power for their own abilities though. They also do so for prayer services and other rituals. During forms of prayer, it is the Head Priest who leads the prayers and talks to the Gods, often doing so for the other Priests.   They are the voices most trusted to reach the God and therefore it is something that has become a requirement for Head Priests to do, something they (generally) do gladly.

Head Priests of the 550s

There are many famous Head Priests from many different eras. For examples, below are listed the Head Priests from the 550s. Not all are public knowledge, but these are those that are.
  • Izanagi- Noguchi Hitomi
  • Tsukuyomi- Gar Jee
  • Phrixus- Caddos Damolnath
  • Helle- Vornush Wrakris
  • Athena- Murphy Law
  • Selene- Amara
  • Hadur- Dhurnas Blackmane
  • Janus- Entropy
  • Ishtar- Ehlam Medi
  • Fortuna- Whiff
  • Morrigan- Reaper
  • Leigong- The Nameless Monk
  • Amukk- Linfire
  • Mayowa- Crulren
  • Irkalla- Jareth
  • Sia- Monolith
  • Papatūānuku- ???
  • Nergal- ???
  • Tohil- ???
  • Kadakalan- ???
  • Erra- ???
  • Ninatta- ???
  • Tartarus- ???
  • Nyx- ???
  • Satanael- Mortality
  • Mimir- Prayer
  • Chernobog- ???

Cultic Head Priests

There are also those who have been Head Priests for cults and smaller religions not associated with the "True" Gods.   One could say that Meiriris Nerifir was not truly a Head Priest. Though she did preach the gospel of Selene, her gathering of people was moreso centered around its own beliefs than Selene's, and due to its religious nature, some consider it cultic.   The most famous of these in terms of actual religions is the Mighty Herald, who served as the leader of the Paragons of Unity from its founding in the late 500s/early 600s until 934 when he was killed by Draqiroth Lealred, Vaxidor Nerifir, Ardar Tilrak, and Rhoziros Nimphonker.   Morhor Madrev, or as he became known after marriage, Morhor Sharprider, was another Head Priest of another religious group that was destroyed by Ardar Tilrak, Rhoziros Nimphonker, Naxiris Daxur, and others.
Vornush Wrakris by Jarhed


Becoming a Head Priest often (but not always) requires that one has been in the Church for years, even potentially decades or centuries depending on the Church.   Usually, they start as followers, then becoming Priests. These Priests are just the standard preachers who aid in worship.   After being a Priest, they could be chosen to be Head Priest, but usually they will then become an Archpriest. An Archpriest is one who represents a particular domain of a God, for instance Vornush Wrakris was Archpriest of Greed before he became Head Priest of Helle.   Some people, however, are chosen. Perhaps they are a Prophet or in some other way are blessed from birth or chosen. If that is the case, then the God may seek them out to become Head Priest without the earlier steps.   It is not always voluntarily that someone becomes Head Priest. It is up to the discretion of the God or Goddess.  

Other Names

Head Priest is called other things in certain religions, though they may still coloquially also be called Head Priest.   While they are generally still called Head Priest, women may also instead take on the title of Head Priestess. This is their decision, as Head Priest is used in a gender neutral way for men, women, and nonbinary individuals who take on the position and its responsibilities.   High Priest is a title used by various religions, often just as common as Head Priest. They mean the same thing, just with the difference that Head Priest is simply the term used more often.
Entropy by genuinetrickster
  Janus's Two-Faced Cult is led by the Lead Guide, who guides people who are at a crossroad, transition point, or stuck in duality. Their main job is to lead people on the right path, and therefore they are known to travel all over the world and even various other planes for this duty.   Since the Korvian known as Reaper has always been the Head Priest of Morrigan, her Head Priest is simply known as "The Grim Reaper."   The Head Priest of Irkalla is known as the "Lead Mourner" or "Master of Funerals" due to their position in leading funeral services and prayers of mourning, as well as digging graves and consoling mourners.   Mayowa has Ahunṣọ, and while the Head Priest does lead ceremonially and in other ways, they are generally just called one of the Ahunṣọ rather than any special title, though the followers always know which one of the Ahunṣọ is the "Head Priest" equivalent.   Chernobog's followers, the Guardians of the Mist, are led not by a Head Priest, but by "The Voided One" or "The Demonic Channel." This is due to their intended purpose being a hatred of the Gods and their followers, so they do not like to be associated with such terms.   Other Churches have names for their Head Priests, but these are the most commonly used or most well known alternatives.  


The Head Priest has many duties, most of which varying depending on the God or Goddess and the religious teachings, as well as their own personal doctrines, teachings, and interpretations of the scripture.
Ehlam Medi by Jarhed
  As stated above, they travel to see their followers and reach out to the worshippers, even if it means traveling to remote locations, as well as leading prayers and rituals. Most religious ceremonies require a Priest, and there is no greater honor than to partake in one led by a Head Priest.   Head Priests often build up a friendly, even conversational rapport with their Gods, to the point that those like Entropy become annoyed with the God, or Ehlam Medi develops something akin to a romantic relationship with his Goddess.   Most Head Priests also train to fight and use magic (if they have it) due to the fact that one of their duties is to protect the Church and its followers from all dangers that would threaten them and the faith.   Finally, Head Priests create their own teachings with their Gods or Goddesses. Some do so against the wishes of their deity, contradicting old gospels with their own beliefs, while others expand on the older teachings for newer generations.

Cover image: by Tama66


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