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The Bringer of Death

The Bringer of Death, Reaper is the Head Priest of the Goddess of Death, Morrigan.   While in other religions, the Head Priest dies, is fired, or is retired and thus replaced, Reaper is said to have been there from the beginning and was the only person blessed to transcend death by the Goddess who represents it.   He is a spirit of a Korvian, said to haunt Moroza and every person on their deathbeds.  

Legends of the Reaper

The true story of Reaper is a mystery. When he was born, where he came from, how he came to Morrigan's service... there is no clear story. Many legends have been told of him, as he has become one of the most famous figures in the world.
Reaper by Jarhed
Even those that have difficulty believing the validity of the most powerful forms of magic believe the spirit of the Reaper is real.   His story, however, is difficult to piece together. Korvian history is written down when it can be, but it is not kept as easily due to the short lifespans most Korvians have. Due to this, records of the time when Reaper was from are all but gone, and there is little hope of learning the truth.   Even Reaper's own accounts are speaking of something he barely recalls, which may be why he often tells different accounts.  

The Grim Reaper

The most famous legend is not one of his origin, and thus will be the first that is delved into: the origin of his nickname, the Grim Reaper. Reaper, of course, derives from his name. Grim, on the other hand, is said to describe the sour countenance by which a poet came across the face of death.   It is known by all that death existed long before the Reaper. The Giant Kingdom experienced death, and so, too, did the Elves.   But an Elven poet named Aranmorn began to take note of a phenomenon. At a certain point in time, people dying began to look at a figure no one else could see. Often it would bring them comfort in death.   He delved into poetry about death, romanticizing it. He was the first one to popularize the idea of the Reaper, and thus he would always sit by the bedsides of those on deaths door in hopes to see the man that ushered them to the afterlife. Many began to find comfort in the presence of Aranmorn, and in a way he was a sign that death would come soon. In a way, he became a Reaper on his own.   Aranmorn's final words, as he looked at something that no one else could see, was simply,
"I waited for you... to see your smile. You look grim."
— Aranmorn
  This idea stuck, that there truly was a Reaper, but that the comfort he brought was less his presence and more the company of one who would guide you to the River Styx. That Reaper was not joyous, but instead grim. Thus, the Grim Reaper was born.  

Seeking Death, I Found Eternal Life

The most widely accepted tale of how the Reaper came to be was that the Korvian who became known as Reaper had traveled north in search of death. He was a weak man, but wanted to die greater than he had lived.   How he made it all the way to the Temple of Morrigan is unclear. As she is also the Goddess of Fate, some say it was fated to happen.  
Morrigan by Jarhed
Here, Morrigan promised him the death he sought, but gave him an offer. The story claims she said:
"I could kill you any way I please. It would be the simplest thing... but you did not come here for simple, and you deserve better than simple. Few go on such a journey to die... I admire that. You have truly exemplified my teachings. Would you care to carry them out by my side... for all eternity?"
  The answer he gave was, of course, yes. He was killed by Morrigan, feeling deaths most intimate touch, and became a spirit in her employ.   Those that have met Reaper in the Temple of Morrigan, some claim he has said of how he got there:
"Seeking death, I found eternal life."
— Reaper

The Ripper

While the Reaper of the previous story was a weak man with no power of his own, this tale gives the opposite impression. Reaper, in this version of events, was a killer feared by all, known as The Ripper.   The Ripper was said to have terrorized the Korvian and Avian people, killing upwards of 125 people by his own hand. The numbers are unclear, as some say he may have only killed about 10, and due to terrible record keeping by the Korvians, the truth is lost to time.   Due to how prolific he was as a serial killer, the story goes that on his deathbed, he was approached by Morrigan herself, who said:
"Never has there been one who walked this planet that understands death better than you. I have been searching for one to carry it out under my orders. One who can stand by my side and embody the death that all will face.   Would you care to take up that position for eternity? Or would you rather taste a singular death at this moment, and find the afterlife beyond?"
— Morrigan
People believe this may be where the name Reaper comes from, as it could derive from Ripper. Even if Reaper was not truly Ripper, it is possible the two names have some connection.  

Nature of the Reaper

Reaper as a figure is not just his history and legend. He is a very present force around the world who visits everyone the moment before they die. This section will delve into how he operates and what exactly he is.  

The Spirit of Death

Reaper is a ghost, though not particularly bound to any location. He can travel anywhere, particularly using the Holy Might of Death to transport himself to the side of anyone who is dying.   As a ghost, he is incorporeal. Only his scythe can be felt by most, and those who can reach out to touch him often would just go right through him. He is translucent, his white feathers and black robe showing whatever is behind them.  

The Priest of Death

Reaper is the Head Priest of Morrigan and ambassador of Death to the world at large. Most of the time, he can be found at the Temple of Morrigan by his Goddess's side. Here, he is either speaking with her of some matter regarding Death, or updating her on the events of the world.   The few that are able to make it to the Temple and far enough through its deadly trials to see him find him to be rather blunt, to the point, and unsettlingly upset, as the Grim Reaper name may imply. Still, he is often rather kind to those that make it this far, as they have passed trials to prove they deserve to continue living.  

The Bringer of Death

His final job is as the one who brings death to all. While many believe he is the true person that kills everyone, the real truth behind it is that he simply finds their spirits at the moment of death, appearing only to them and speaking to them in their final moments.   It is not Reaper himself, and yet it is. The way his ability is said to work is it transports his consciousness into a new body that appears to the dead, and when that person passes on, this split off Reaper travels back to the prime Reaper and merges with him. Thus, he knows everyone that died and can report it to Morrigan.

Cover image: Skull by Pexels


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