How the Gods interact with the world

The Gods always have been a constant influence on the world of mortals. They guide, protect and sometimes bless mortals with their might and wisdom.   Since the events of Wotan's Call however, the presence of the gods in the Chaukenlande became much more noticeable and intense. Yet, they do not seem to be willing or able to act too directly and rarely are encountered personally on the mortal realm. Instead, they appear as guides in dreams or as visions, sometimes even sending a mortal to speak on their behalf.  

Influence through Mortals

Mortal Messengers

  The Spreknar are selected by a god to speak for them. Often they will send them prophetic dreams or give them the ability to interpret signs. A human open to receive messages by a god can be speaking for multiple different entities over the course of their lives. Every since Wotan's Call, more people seem to be susceptible to the signs and messages from the gods - but not all are able or willing to interpret them correctly.  

Bounded Beings

  Sometimes, a mortal is blessed to be granted a favor by a god. Sometimes they are indebted to them in another way. All of them are called Eynschworn, the sworn to the god. As such, they are bound by duty and sometimes other forces to act when directed by their god. Most Eynschworn see this as a sacred calling but there are some occasional unlucky ones forced by circumstances (or by a god's clever maneuvering) into servitude.   Eynschworn are usually specialized in a specific area. They can be fighters, artists, spiritual leaders or men of craft or knowledge. These typically match to the innate affinity of a person, empowered by the god.  

Chosen Champions

  Very few mortal beings are being elevated by a god into a stronger being. Those that can call themselves the Sagakämpen have been chosen to act in the name of their deity, a pact beneficial for both sides. While the champion will be granted precious abilities, health and often rare artifacts their acts and chores performed on the mortal realm will in turn increase the influence and strength of their patron in the world of men.   Liek Eynschworn, Sagakämpe are usually specialized in various areas but usually can act in other fields as well as most Eynschworn.  

The Power of a God

  There are many beings considered gods by the mortals, with many names and varying powers. Not every god, while always certainly mighty beyond any mortal's grasp, is all powerful. In fact, despite most gods treating mortals like unworthy inferiors, their power does directly come from their faith and dedication (or fear) of a god as well as their acts of worship, annointed artifacts and built monuments.   As such, the power of a god not only varies over time, depending on their following, but is also locally different. Gods are strong and influential in areas with shrines or altars dedicated to them - or where the population knows of them and prays to them - they are able to directly influence the world. Here, they can act small wonders, empower people or speak through them, sometimes even manifest themselves in the mortal world.   Wherever they are not known or worshipped or possibly even have been forgotten, a god is almost powerless. Here, they need to rely on their mortal messengers to spread the faith in them or to build them shrines and altars.   Wild magic present in the world can be used by higher beings to enable them to much more powerful actions as the local faith would allow them to. Places where the magic is abundant, a so called Nexus of Magic, were originally very rare and have always been of special interest to gods and men. Since the events of Wotan's Call, however, many smaller and larger Nexi have formed across the Chaukenlande.  
The Power of a god
The Power and available abilities of a god are not static. They vary depending on the following aspects:
  • The general location, some areas are more powerful
  • The general influence on the local population
  • The presence of powerful or gifted followers of the god, especially Eynschworn and Sagakämpe
  • The amount of shrines, temples and altars dedicated to the god
  • The amount and quality of sacrifices dedicated to them recently
  • The amount of wonders they performed recently does drain their power temporarily
  • The age of the god has both effect on the regional influence as well as their skill and experience with powers
  •   The following examples of a god's action in the world give a rough estimation of what they can do depending on the cirumstances.  

    Little Local Influence

    Dream's Whisper
    The mortal mind is most open in their dreams. Gods can send images, messages and visions to almost any mortal that is asleep. The mortal does not need to be claimed by the god and their influence in the area can be very low.
    Coerced Coincidence
    Even when direct interaction is tricky, coincidences can be slightly influenced by gods. The Stones falling just the right way, the Shadow forming an arrow or the crows all shouting at the same moment - these can be small signs of a god nudging a mortal along. These acts are somewhat noticeable by other gods.
    Guiding thoughts
    Even when the god's influence is little, they can usually talk directly into the mind of a Spreknar, Eynschworn and Sagakämpe. Depending on circumstances their voices can be louder or more coherent or only appear in subtle waves of emotions.
    Speaking Tongues
    Especially when granted access by a medium but sometimes even forcefully, a god can directly speak through a person. This process can be harmful and mentally scarring for the mortal however and will most certainly be noticed by rival gods.

    Some Local Influence

    For the following abilities the god must be granted a moderate amount of influence over an area, either through the worshipping population or by proxy of a faithful Eynschworn or Sagakämpe.  
    The god can appear in any form they like in the world. The ydecide by whom they are seen or heard but they cannot physically interact with most things around them. Rival gods and their chamnpions could be able to detect this when focussing on the general area.
    Granting Gifts
    One of the most essiential powers of a god is that of granting gifts of beneficial or more malicious nature to a mortal. They can influence any attributes to a certain degree and even grant special abilities to their followers. Once granted, the strength of the gift only depends on the faith of the mortal, their dedication and healt as well as the god's continued volition.
    Prophetic visions
    To a god, the veil of things to come is easily pierced and they can easily see the many possibilities ahead as well as the fates spun for most mortals. Sometimes, they share a glimpse into things to come with a human - to guide them or to strike terror in their hearts.
    Influencing Minds
    Not every god likes to coerce or to threaten. Sometimes it is easier to just muddle the mind of a mortal with malicious means. It comes very easy to most gods to make people hear, see, smell or think things that are not actually there.
    Mortals are so easily harmed and broken. A beneficial god can use their power to help them heal quicker and get strong again soon. They can mend wounds, correct bones, cure diseases, bringing them back from close to the brink of death. Often, this marks a mortal with a distinct sign on their body.
    Mortals are so easily harmed and broken. A stern god wanting to smite the disbelievers can do so with barely a thought, corroding the skin, breaking bones, hindering the organs to properly function. Many possibilities to teach a mortal the correct hierarchy - usually leaving a distinct mark on the body.

    Strong local Influence

    Wherever many followers of a god assemble, where shrines and temples are dedicated in their name, or where their legend is depply rooted in the population's faith and stories, a god can do many wonders.  
    Calling on the Elements
    The very forces of nature are at a god's command. Be it a flood, a raging fire or a mighty storm, the elements can be easily influenced, strengthend and guided to perform miraculous or devestating effects.
    Walking the Earth
    Having a faithful following of believers is all well and good. Sometimes a god wants to show themselves directly to the mortals, be it to inspire hope and awe or to cause righteous terror. With this power, they can walk in a human-like form of their choosing. Typically, their avatar represents their personalities or chosen aspects.  
    Of course, most powers of a god can easily cause destruction, but why take the long way around (other than it being some kind of morbid fun, of course)? The word of a god can simply unravel a thing, making it crumble, wither or violently explode into smoke.
    Conjouring Into the World
    Creation is a wonder often associated with gods, of course. With enough influence they are able to conjour up almost anything a mortal can imagine. These can be simple items or magical artifacts to be gifted to the mortals. There seems to be no limit to the capabilities of these things other than the imagination of the god themselves.
    For some reason, it takes a lot of power and is impossible for any god to destroy iron or anything encased in iron. At the same time, no known god is able to conjur iron into the world. Instead, the gods conjure a different metal, known as Starshimmer.
    Some deities - especially from the Isanmannen Empire are able to transform and mold iron in a limited way.

    Dominating Influence

    Whene there is no other god beside or even remotely beneath them in the eyes of the mortals, when their influence is so dominating, even the whisper of another god will be quelled as quickly as it was spoken, then the god's power is absolute in this area. Sometimes, accompanying the most fervent and mighty follower of theirs even enables them to cause these powers in areas not fully theirs.  
    Manifestating the Beast
      A mere avatar might be impressive already, but when a god displays even more of their might and power, they can become a mighty creature of pure wild energy. The giant tree encompassing all the world, the rampaging beast in the mountains, the unfogiving storms of the north. They do not simply dominate the world around them, they are the existence or destruction of the world itself.
    Grant Life and Death
    At this point, the simple matter of living and death of a mortal is a trivial thing for a god. With similar powers to grant themselves imortaility, they can reach out into the mortal realm and grant (or take) life as they wish.

    Articles under How the Gods interact with the world


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jan 8, 2024 14:04

    Nice and very detailed Article! A great read! - Will be shown in my NYR 2024 Article
    I see some similaryties to my own Article of Godly powers and Rules from this WE.
    But I see you took a lot of different approaches - I especialy like how the powers varie due to the Regional servitude the mortals do!
    At the same time I got flashbacks to the AERA Books by Markus Heitz - eventhou there it was more of a turf war between the gods ^^

    Have a look at my entries for:
    -Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
    Jan 18, 2024 20:20 by Ezra Aldrich

    I really enjoyed this explanation on how gods / deities work in the world. I particularly liked the varying degree of influence they have based on the amount of faith in an area. I also enjoyed the bits of examples for each level of influence. The different types of people who interact with the gods was also a nice touch.