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Artifacts of the three Gods

Powerful artifacts tied to long forgotten gods. It is said whoever finds them will hold the power to shape the world.  
Right after Creation was born, Ophiel injured Iaoth, creating the human. At that moment, four splinters of Iaoth, four splinters of Ophiel and five splinters of their merged essence split and rained down on the newly shaped mortal realm. These thirteen splinters are buried deep in creation, awaiting the mortal worthy of their power.
— Father Belderone on the Artifacts of Power.
  These legendary artifacts are directly linked to Iaoth, Ophiel and the Cosmic Balance.  

Artifacts of Iaoth

1. Creatio, Artifact of Creation

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Current Location
Found by Ourania Themis' comrade-in-arms Faith the Martyr in the dwarven city of Galdûrkhun. Faith now uses the Artifact to create an army as well as copies of himself, which periodically take on the burden of Cratinas Fever.

2. Ignis, Artifact of Fire

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Current Location
Found by the Vor'Anin prodigy Milan Roth, whose pure curiosity drove him to disregard the rules of his order and explore the vast catacombs below the tower of Asmal. Upon finding the Artifact, he got contacted by the Ring and joined the organisation.

3. Lux, Artifact of Light

A perfectly balanced longsword, whose blade can emit sunlight on command. The hilt is made of bone and decorated with gold symbols representing the Creator. The armguard is shaped as a starburst.
Current Location
Found by the healer Icnoyotl and brought to the Yenelli civilisation. It was held in the House of Light for centuries, until it was found by Mithyra Forthoc of The Companions of Dragoncastle.

4. Ordo, Artifact of Order

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Current Location
Found by a group of individuals (?) during the last era, when Ophiel was close to breaking free. It lies hidden deep underground, together with the Artifacts of darkness and water.

Artifacts of Ophiel

5. Chaos, Artifact of Chaos

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Current Location
Found by the Death Watcher Camaxtli, handed over to his friend Mextli and brought to the Yenelli civilisation. Sealed below the House of Warriors for centuries, until it was found by Sephira Jarvelleinen of The Companions of Dragoncastle.

6. Dunkelheit, Artifact of Darkness

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Current Location
Found by a group of individuals (?) during the last era, when Ophiel was close to breaking free. It lies hidden deep underground, together with the Artifacts of Order and Water.

7. Tod, Artifact of Death

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Current Location
The Artifact of death was found by Abraxas Sapienti in the ruins of an old death cult, he guards it with his life.

8. Zerstörung, Artifact of Destruction

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Current Location
The Artifact of destruction is currently located in Guodalir.

Artifacts of the Cosmic Balance

9. Al' Lieefa', Artifact of Balance

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Current Location
The Artifact of balance was found by Pavel Langkorn, while drunkenly stumbeling into a cave. After finding the Artifact, he was contacted by Abraxas Sapienti and they founded the Ring.

10. Alsama, Artifact of Sky

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Current Location
The Artifact of sky is in the city of Allamir, keeping the Mer'Anin tower afloat.

11. Huriya, Artifact of Land

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Current Location
The Artifact of land was long in the posession of the dwarvish people, although it's true nature has been lost to the ages. Legends tell that it was shattered and needs to be reforged, a task that the Dwarf Útost Rithzâm has devoted her life to.

12. Ma'an, Artifact of Water

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Current Location
Found by a group of individuals (?) during the last era, when Ophiel was close to breaking free. It lies hidden deep underground, together with the Artifacts of darkness and order.

13. Yataghayarun, Artifact of Change

Short description of the item here
Current Location
The Artifact of change was a holy relic of the Yenelli people. It was held in the House of Priests for centuries, until it was found by Gelbin Copperbranch of @companions.


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