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High Elf Magic Tradition

For the elves of Myfenor, magic is a sacred science. Corellon entrusted them with the gift of saidin and saidar and when Venera was destroyed, he brought them the Weave. The Pillar of Corellon is responsible for training all spellcasters in the forest.

Unique Spellcasting Foci

It is common knowledge outside Myfenor that the elves use special crystals to power their magic. That is not far from the truth. The elves use the weave to cast their spells and are subject to the same rules and limitations as all other weave spellcasters. However, they only use crystals as spellcasting foci: the Eldarquartz .   Those crystals are produced in Myfenor, are called Eldarquartz , and are handed out to all spellcasters by the Pillar of Corellon. No elf trained by the Pillar of Corellon would ever use anything other than a Eldarquartz as a spellcasting focus.  

Reason for Using Crystals

Very soon after the creation of the The Weave , the high elves were able to prove that casting weave spells tainted the Fundamental Energy. They were unable to understand the exact mechanism, or the exact damage dealt to Creation, but they knew that the weave was flawed, poisoned.   Thus, they dedicated resources to finding a safe way to use the weave. The Eldarquartz was the answer. The recipe for Eldarquartz refinement is a secret known only to the Emerald Queen and her Arcane Advisor.

Stopping Fundamental Energy Degradation

Why didn't the elves do something about fundamental energy degradation, if they knew the weave was poison?
  • At first, they tried to warn others, but their warnings were not heeded.
  • Then, they solved the problem themselves, thinking that when the time was right, they would be able to use this technology to their advantage.
  • True enough, the world now needs eldarquartz crystals. This gives the elves a significant advantage in any negotiation.

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