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Mer'anin or The women of the Silver Moon


  The Mer'anin are the magocratic rulers of the nation of Asparia. Their base of operations is in Asparia's capital, Allamir. While their ancient Tower was never located, the Mer'anin have built their new fortress on top of a large flying rock, that glows silvery during the night - hence their nickname "women of the silver moon".   Following a tradition of thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Aes Sedai, they are ruled by the High Guardian, a Mer'anin chosen by the Mer'anin High Council, whose members are in turn elected from the various factions of the Mer'anin. The Territory of Asparia, as well as all the Mer'anin are governed by the High Guardian and the High Council. These two governing bodies are very tightly defined, with the Council having slightly more decision making power than the High Guardian, who is regarded as the most revered of the Mer'anin. While the High Guardian is in theory the chief executor of the council's will, in practice they have a lot of influence over individual members of the council and have sometimes historically usurped their power to become the most powerful authority over the Mer'anin. It's complicated politics.   The power of the council is split among several Mer'anin factions, each with its own agenda, goals and function. These factions are distinguished by their color, which their members traditionally display publically by wearing a shawl with their faction's respective color. All Mer'anin, except for the High Guardian, are members of one of these factions and typically support their peers whenever possible.   The current leading faction in the Mer'anin organization is one that favors a quiet expansion of the Mer'anin influence to rival that of the Vor'anin. They are increasing their recruiting efforts, bringing in spellcasters from all over the territories they influence and have amped up their trade and crafting capabilities to counter the Vor'anin advance into trade. They are very concerned with the Elturian Prophecy coming to pass and are working extremely hard to prevent it, in secret.   All Mer'anin have sworn to uphold The Commandments and therefore cannot lie or use magic as a weapon. They have certainly learned to loop around those restrictions in some ways however.   The Mer'anin are one of the few organizations that teach magic in Ylarra. All nations where the Mer'anin have influence deliver potential spellcasters to them to be trained and incorporated into the Mer'anin organization. All recruits undergo tough training that ensures they internalize the values of the Mer'anin and are loyal to the organization.  

the Mer'anin High Council

The Mer'anin Factions

  1. Gray Ajah, headed by Graja
  2. Yellow Ajah, headed by Kamilja
  3. Blue Ajah, headed by Laila
  4. White Ajah, headed by Ashlene
  5. Green Ajah, headed by Maelania
  6. Brown Ajah, headed by Lailana

Mer'anin ranks, training and progression

Three ranks:
  • Novice: The new recruits. They take lessons, are treated mostly like children, they do the chores. Must wear white dresses while in Allamir.
  • Accepted: Advanced students. Have more free time to study, help teach classes to the newbies. Must wear a golden ring with no gem.[/li
  • Mer'anin: Fully trained, must wear a golden ring with a gem colored based on their chosen Ajah.
Each initiate can take the "test" any time during their training. If successful, they rise to the rank of "Accepted". Accepted are free to leave Allamir, but must wear their rings at all times. Each Accepted can be invited by a higer ranked Mer'anin to take the "Ascention Test" any time. If the Accepted refuses two times, or if they fail the test two times, they can no longer take the test. Those that pass are granted the title "Mer'anin", swear the Mer'anin Oaths and are bonded to an Aegis.

Red Blades and Mer'anin

Each member of the Mer'anin goes through the bonding ritual with an Aegis as soon as they rise to the Mer'anin rank.

Identifying features

The Mer'anin wear golden rings with gems colored based on their Ajahs. The Accepted wear golden rings with no gems at all. The Novices are required to always wear white dresses while in Allamir.  

Notable Members

High Guardian: Yvelyn Blackiron

Articles under Mer'anin


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