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The Holy Family

The divine pantheon worshipped by the Dualist and Triadic Luminary Faith of Iaoth. Once mortals known as "Aes Volari", they ascended to Godhood , Mortals Ascended to Godhood in the not-so-distant past. They are responsible for the creation of The Weave. In the current era, they are closely associated as firm enemies of the The Dark One, Ophiel.

Dualist vs Triadic beliefs

  • In the The Dualist Luminary Faith of Iaoth, the saints are presented as serving The Creator, Iaoth.
  • In the Triadic Luminary Faith, the saints are presented as serving The Cosmic Balance.
  • The Holy Family Table

    Alignment Name Title Saint of... Domains Symbol
    N/a Alpha The Beginning Overseer N/a Alpha
    N/a Omega The End Overseer N/a Omega
    LG Dogmael The Watcher watchfulness and loyalty. Light, War Sunflower
    NG Adrian The merchant sea and wind Nature, Tempest Gold coin
    Eulogius Τhe illuminator truth and the sun Life, Light Golden Greatsword
    Encratia The Mistress fertility and love Life Falcon
    Veronica The Maiden knowledge/civilization Knowledge/war Helmet with Crest
    Ethel The Swan beauty/poetry Life/Light Gem-encrusted silver chalice
    CG Godwin The Helius light/the sun Light Solar disk
    Celestine The Firebrand war War Flaming Sword
    LN Palladius The General courage/strategy Knowledge/War Spear on Shield
    N Ariana The Crucible birth/fertility Life/Light Cat
    Honorata The Mother earth/mountains Nature Mountain peak
    Gaed The Confessor justice/law Light Golden scales
    CN Cletus The Gambler luck Trickery Fan of peacock feathers
    Valliria The Hunter hunting/winter Nature bow and arrow onlunar disk
    LE Rutinus The Tyrant storms/ thunder Tempest/War Lightning bolt
    NE Adalgis The Vengeful sea/storms Tempest trident in background of waves
    Demontheia The Unseen the underworld Death Black Stars on Gray Background
    CE Forbinus The Snake thieves/llies Trickery Flaming Snake


    Self-Imposed Limitations

    Due to the damage caused by The Breaking of the World, the Holy Family strives to maintain Creation and uphold the tenets of The Cosmic Balance.   All the Saints are bound into the following system by powerful oaths to The Cosmic Balance:
    • Each Saint is assigned a primary and a number of secondary "Domains", or aspects of creation. The sum total of a Deity's domains comprises that Deity's "Portfolio".
    • Each Saint is responsible for their portfolio. They ensure it is properly represented throughout Creation. They must further their portfolio's interests at all cost.
    • No Saint will take direct action to benefit their portfolio's interests. Instead, they will influence mortal beings to take action on their behalf.
    • Each Saint would only provide weave-based divine powers to its followers that demonstrably further their portfolio's cause. No mortal is to be granted divine powers, if they do not act in the best interests of their saint's portfolio.


    There are four tiers of Saints, separated by their level of power and responsibility:

    1. Divine Overlords

    The Overlord's role is to watch the other saints' actions and pass judgement when necessary. Their primary role is to ensure that the limitations the Saints placed upon themselves are upheld.   There can only be two Saints holding this position at any time. No matter who it is, they will be renamed to "Alpha" and "Omega". Alpha and Omega together are more powerful than the sum of all other saints. They have the power to destroy other saints, elevate or demote them from one level to the next, elevate a mortal to divine status, and deliver punishment to saints.

    2. Greater Saints

    The Greater Saints' role is to embody their portfolio and further its interests to the best of their ability.   All Saints listed in this article are Greater Saints, members of the original Aes Volari. They can create new races, or new demi-planes if they chose to. Greater Saints are nearly equal in power, though they might be able to hurt or even destroy eachother.
    • Immortal
    • Grant mortals divine powers
    • Can raisemortals to Demi-god status
    • Can demote demi-gods to mortal status

    3. Lesser Saints

    These are newer Saints that have more recently reached divine status. Are typically subservient to other, Greater Saints.
    • Are immortal
    • Grant mortals divine powers

    4. Demi-Gods

    These are mortals that just ascended to a semi-divine status. They typically are required to complete task(s) before becoming true divinities.
    • Immortal


    At present, the Holy Family rule their domains from the Outer Planes.
    • Alpha and Omega oversee the whole of creation and the other Saints' actions from an unknown plane.
    • Mount Celestia (7 layers as per Forgotten Realms): Dogmael, Celestine, Ethel, Encratia, Gaed, Cletus, Godwin, Veronica, Adrian
    • Elysium: Ariana, Eulogios
    • Ysgard: Palladius, Adalgis
    • Hades: Demontheia
    • Carceri: Rutinus
    • Pandemonium: Forbinus
    • Limbo: Honorata
    • The Beastlands: Valliria

    Articles under The Holy Family


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