Session 2: The Watermelon hotel. Report Report in Traveller | World Anvil
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Session 2: The Watermelon hotel. Report

General Summary

What a shit show.

  • Checked for bugs in hotel room, found one in the phone to the reception.
  • Successfully hacked it, so it had a constant loop of no audio.
  • Heard Jack Joseph in the reception of the hotel say, “report back to us if they do anything suspicious.”
  • Were followed by two agents of the Amodian government while they were trying to find a rental car.
  • Successfully managed to lose the tail.
  • Vic Maker wanted to contact his nemesis, who is allegedly on Amondiage. Was unable to find any means to reach out and contact him.
  • Planetwide broadcast regarding three foreign agents sent here to spy on Amondiage. Political tensions are high, security is heightened. People of Amondiage are promised a reward if they turn anybody suspicious in.
  • Regis got a message that his ship has been impounded by the government.
  • Met cab driver Rob Lowe, lovely individual. Introduced themselves as Bob Harley (Vic Maker), Kawasaki Davidson (Regis) & Jonathan Bronsfoot (Kris Kringle)
  • Vic told the cab driver he needed to go to the outskirts (slums) of Amondiage's main city to visit his aunt. Who was alone, who he did not want to be alone. Later, it turned out she was sick.
  • Rob Lowe rolled a 3 on his intelligence check. Believed the party.
  • Drove for five hours. Rob Lowe said that he needed to use the bathroom once they arrived.
  • They came to the house of a random person, ringed the doorbell. An old lady with dementia opened the door and was susceptible to manipulation.
  • Eventually, Rob Lowe figures out that they are not who they say they are. Regis sneaks behind him and puts him in a chokehold. He passes out.
  • Regis takes him to the basement, hog ties him and gags him, empties his pockets, notices that his smartwatch says he has been in an accident and has called 911.
  • Rob Lowe wakes up and Regis gives him the fucking one-punch-man-punch of the century and fucking knocks out all his endurance.
  • They leave the house and successfully pass the endurance checks.
  • Hide in the sewers.
  • Hear an alarm all over the suburban neighbourhood go off.
  • Regis feels a vibration in his pocket. It is the Governmental card that is vibrating. He snaps it, an alarm goes off.

Character(s) interacted with

Rob Lowe, Stella (old lady).
Adventures in the Great rift.
Regis Fulben
Regis Fulben, 38, Human from Mars
Kris Kringle
Kris Kringle, 30, Human from
Vic Maker
Vic Maker, 34, Human from
Report Date
14 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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