Traveller Amondiage's most wanted
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Amondiage's most wanted

Life, Crime

12/3 16:00

The dictator Motifa Quintana issues a global alert regarding agents of a third part threatening the safety and sovereignty of Amondiage. Motifa Quintana issued a curfew at 8PM for non-governmental workers & implored citizens of Amondiage to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

Since Kris Kringle did the mistake of telling Interrogator Jack Joseph the reason for their visit to Amondiage, it has been moved to the upper military brass of planetary safety.   Motifa Quintana who is the elected ruler (and dictator) of Amondiage issued a planetary wide alert regarding military agents have been sent here to question the safety and sovereignty of Amondiage. While this is not entirely true, it is true that the characters are agents hired by the Third Imperium of Man. If it gets out that it is The Third Imperium of Man that have sent out military agents into The Islands Subsectors, things could get really, bad real quick.

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