Trellinmouth Bay

Located on the south coast of Kaara this bay enjoys a degree of protection from storms thanks to the spur of land that curves around, nearly encircling it. Thus protected the bay would make for an almost perfect safe harbour if it weren't for the extreme difficulty in negotiating the channel out to the sea.   With fresh water available from the Trellin, and greater than average amount of rainfall the edges of the bay the region was a popular place to settle prior to the years of darkness.


Ostelock by Tanai Cuinsear
The river Trellin flows from the high mountains in the north down into this bay which is surrounded by land on almost all sides. The mountains produce a high level of rain for the region around the bay than might be expected. The cliffs and hills to the south and east help protect the bay from the worst of the storms that roll in the from Irikant sea.

Natural Resources

The plentiful fish in the bay have long been one of this region's greatest resources. The relatively gentle water seeme to make a pleasant habitat for a variety of species of fish as well as crustaceans. Oysters can also be found in abundance along the southern end of the bay, and the region has often been a central part of the pearl trade.


Despite it's advantages as a place to live this region has suffered setbacks over the centuries. No matter how advantageous the shape of the bay it is of little to no use in reducing the impact of one of the great storms which occasionally roar through, tearing up trees and buildings in their swirling winds. In some ways this region suffers more than other areas since it tends to be less prepared for violent storms.   The region was also the subject of attacks from Earvaryosto which resulted in numerous deaths. The channel which normally protected the bay became the bane of surface dwellers as the merfolk had a far easier time navigating and blocking.
Included Locations
During the Third age this area became a popular destination for imperial nobles keen to escape their responsibilities for a while. Ferrisport expanded from a village into a town to accomodate the rise in demand in entertainment and lodgings and villas were built along the edges of the bay. This expansion put a strain on the local fish stocks and forced the locals to sail further out to continue feeding themselves.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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