Gemclops Species in Tritanix 3 | World Anvil


Basic Information


The Gemclops is a bipedal race, with two arms, three eyes, two horns, and a tail. Skin tones vary from pale to dark, beige to brown. Crystals grow along their arms, legs, and back, and where they grow varies depending on genetics and environment. The crystals will not grow on the palms of hands, the soles of feet, or most areas of the head, but will grow nearly anywhere else. There are certain gemstones that can have markings on their owner’s skin, for example, agates may have stripes, and malachites may have spots.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gemclops live to be around 130-150 years old and reach maturity at around 25. They reach the toddler phase at 4, and the child stage at 7. They become adolecents at 17. They become young adults at 25, adults at 40, seniors at 80, and elders at 100. They grow slowly because of this long lifespan.

Ecology and Habitats

The gemclops species lives on land, but will live in almost any climate they feel fits them best. Some like the heat, some like the cold, but they can adapt quickly, and they will feel comfortable in their environment in a matter of months. They like to leave nature as it is, and understand that they need to be at peace with their planet. They do not build outside their empires, and they don’t hunt an area out of their population.

Dietary Needs and Habits

To help grow their crystals and keep them strong, they implement a special type of mushroom into their diet. It contains a special mineral called Crystalyne, and every Gemclops needs it in their diet. They are found in abundance in the forests, and are sold in every village. They have farms for crops, and go hunting for the meat in their diets. The strongest hunt, and they often sell the meat they catch to the rest of their village, so the entire village can eat.

Biological Cycle

As the full moon appears in the sky, their crystals glow in the vibrant moonlight, and some people celebrate. The crystals will glow the color of the gemstone they are, and more opaque gems have a glow-in-the-dark effect. Some children can see their crystals glow even before they grow, and they can sometimes glow from under the skin. As the crystals glow, so do their eyes. Their eyes give off a very slight light, only visible up close.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Having three eyes allows for a very good sense of sight, and an even better sense of depth. Their field of view is quite good as well. Their crystals and horns don’t have nerves in them, but the skin under and around them do, so they will feel something touch them. Their ears are somewhat larger than most species, they can hear more frequencies than most other fauna on their planet .

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

When one member of the relationship decides their ready to marry their partner, they cut off one or more of their own crystals to decorate into fashion or jewelry or something of the like. If their partner likes it, and thinks they’re ready for it, they agree and decide on a wedding date.

Average Technological Level

The Gemclops aren’t a very tech savvy people. They don’t have motors or engines, but they are currently working on finding a solution to the different ailments they suffer. They rely on the planet’s natural resources for everything.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Tribus Petralumen
130-150 years
Average Height
Average Weight
70-200 lbs, depending on height
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Gemclops

Cover image: by Thgusstavo Santana


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