
The massive presence of Goliaths can be seen in the harshest environments on Trorune, particularly in the frozen tundras and icy peaks of the world as their ancestral Stone Giant-blood gives them the appearence as living embodiments of the mountains themselves. With powerful physiques and a connection to the natural world, goliaths emanate a sense of strength and endurance that sets them apart from other races.   Standing far taller than the average man, goliaths possess a rugged and imposing presence. Their skin ranges from hues of deep earthy tones to icy blues, mirroring the range of mountains that cradle their tribes. Tribal tattoos, reminiscent of jagged peaks and flowing rivers, adorn their bodies, each mark symbolizing a milestone or achievement in their lives.   Rooted in the beliefs of their ancestors, goliaths follow a way of life that honors the spirits of nature and the elements. They understand the delicate balance between the primal forces that shape the world and their own existence. This connection is reflected in their rituals, which they perform with reverence and gratitude, seeking harmony with the world around them.   Goliaths' physical prowess is matched only by their unwavering determination. Their culture places great emphasis on self-improvement, both in body and mind. Endurance races, feats of strength, and challenges against the elements are rites of passage that forge their character and camaraderie. To them, the path to greatness is one of constant growth and self-discovery.   While goliaths excel in hunting and survival skills, they also engage in artistic and spiritual pursuits. Storytelling and song are woven into their communal gatherings, a way to share wisdom and preserve their heritage. Their craftsmanship, though rooted in practicality, reflects the intricate beauty of the natural world they revere.   Goliath communities are smaller than average societies and are close-knit and egalitarian, with leadership based on strength, wisdom, and the ability to guide the tribe through both times of tranquility and turmoil. This democratic approach ensures that every voice is heard and respected, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.
Scientific Name
Homo gigas petram
Stone Giant
70-100 years
Average Height
Average Weight
280-340 lbs