The Twained Mountain Geographic Location in Trorune | World Anvil

The Twained Mountain

A singleton mountain located in eastern region of the Salvae Empire about 150 miles from the Salvae-Giamela Border. Once a part of the Broken Spine of Salazar mountain range, it has stood alone since The Sundering and entire sections of the mountain range were completely annihilated.


A singleton mountain that stands about 1300 feet, its peak destroyed and plateaued and has a large splinter running through nearly the entire mountain base from east to west.

Natural Resources

Ore, Precious Stones, Minerals


Once the highest peak and the begining mountain of the now Broken Spine of Salazar range. Large sections of the mountain range were wiped off the map during the Sundering when dragons warred for centuries.
Mountain / Hill
Location under
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species