
Half-orcs stand at the crossroads of human and orcish ancestry in the world of Trorune, but it is often from an animalistic beginning that Half-Orcs come to be. Orcs, like many greenskins, are no less brutish than man themselves; known for their reliance in plunder and pillaging of settlements, supplies, physical riches, and prisoners for labor and pleasure to help keep their constantly in-fighting populations on some form of a steady incline. Possessing physical might and tenacity, Half-Orcs possess a unique blend of traits that embody the strength and resilience of their hybrid-lineage, much like the Half-Elves.   Their appearance is a fusion of human and orc characteristics, creating a visage that is both rugged and striking. Muscles ripple beneath their skin, their faces often marked by pronounced features like jutting jawlines, prominent brows, and powerful builds. But to most men the subtle differences between an Orc and Half-Orc are rarely blatantly obvious.   Beyond their physical traits, Half-Orcs bear the legacy of their orc and human ancestors. Their spirits are unyielding, carrying within them the fiery determination of their orcish bloodline and the adaptability of their human lineage, often the intellect and malleability of skills, whilst maintaining the raw physicality of their Orc cousins, that put them head and shoulders above a typical Orc and often make them powerful and dangerous leaders of Orc tribes.   Born from a history of strife between two powerful cultures, Half-Orcs often grow up navigating their place in the world. They embrace the strength within themselves, recognizing the value of their diverse heritage. This inner balance propels them forward, enabling them to rise above adversity and emerge as capable warriors and charismatic leaders.   Their sense of community is strong, often forming bonds with those who understand the struggles of being caught between two worlds. Half-orcs value loyalty and camaraderie, recognizing the importance of allies who can see beyond appearances and appreciate the strength of their character.   In a world where perceptions can be skewed by preconceived notions, Half-Orcs oft walk a path of self-discovery and resilience. Their journeys through the realms is nothing short of a testament to their ability to rise above adversity and to forge their own destinies.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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