
Orcs are a fiercesome and primal race, embodying the raw power of untamed wilderness and relentless ferocity. Standing taller than an average man and far more muscular, they have a rugged and imposing presence that instills a beastial fear. Their skin ranges from earthy tones of green and brown to more weathered shades of gray, bearing the marks of their harsh lives. Orcs' features are characterized by strong, pronounced jaws, prominent brows, and often pronounced teeth that give them a fearsome countenance.   Their eyes, usually dark and intense, hold a fiery glint that reflects their passionate nature. Orcs' hair is typically coarse and often worn long or in dreadlocks, adorned with various ornaments that speak to their tribal affiliations or their personal achievements and conquests. Many orc warriors bear intricate tattoos, scars, or ritualistic markings on their bodies, each representing a different aspect of their culture and life experiences.   Orcs are known for their impressive physical strength and endurance, honed through a life of survival and combat far from the civilised lands. Their bodies are built for battle, with powerful limbs and a robust constitution that allows them to withstand the harshest conditions. The sound of their war cries can strike terror into the hearts of their foes, as it heralds the unstoppable charge of a force that is as relentless as it is overwhelming.   Despite their reputation as fierce warriors, orc society is complex and deeply rooted in tradition. Tribes and clans form the cornerstone of their communities, with chieftains and shamans guiding their people through the harsh regions they call home, namely the badlands of the southern Raja'ri Territories and the stony hills and mountains in some less traveled regions of the Empire and the Giamela Kingdom. Orcs have a deep spiritual connection to the land, often practicing shamanistic rituals to honor the spirits and seek guidance from their ancestors. When tribes and clans come together, there is often a wake of carnage and destruction that often precedes many heroic ballads and stories to add to the history books.
Genetic Descendants