
When traveling eastward along the Great Road, when the roads turn from trampened earth to cobblestone and moonstone is when traders and travelers will know they have officially entered the territory of the Count of the Moonlight Mists, Elandrial Mistvale, the Lord of the Cross Roads.   The cobblestone Cross Roads lead into the epicenter of Havenscross entering and exiting the town from the northern, southeastern, and southwestern directions, all leading to and encircling an extremely large, ornate marble fountain depicting four women, four Goddesses: Selûne, Waukeen, Sehanine Moonbow, and Hanali Celanil. Each are displayed and posed in all their grace, beauty, and allure. It serves as the city center of the town where many a celebration are held throughout the seasons.   Overlooking this bustling trade town is the home of House Mistvale, Moonstone Manor, nestled in the southern section of the town. The manor and town are a place of prominence in the East Riverlands.
Large town
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Characters in Location