Mistvale Family

House Mistvale is a High Elf family of moderate political influence within the Salvae Empire that serves under Marquess Solomon Kordev of Damarel.   At the head of this prominent family stands Elandrial Mistvale, Count of Moonlight Mists and Lord of the Cross Roads. Originally from Kasluma, he migrated eastward on a trail of wanderlust and now controls several settlements and a few trade routes about two-hundred miles north of the Twained Mountain, and calls another local Baron and knight amongst his personal bannermen. He is a shrewd and calculating elf who has spent and relies on his scores of decades cultivating connections and alliances in the courts of the Empire. Elandrial is known for his influential tongue and his ability to navigate even the most challenging of political situations. He has managed to maintain the family's status and wealth through a combination of astute financial investments and careful maneuvering within the courts.   Elandrial's wife, Lady Radelia Mistvale, is a beauty renowned throughout the East Riverlands. Her enchanting grace and charisma have earned her the admiration of many, and she has long been a prominent figure in the social circles of elves and the Empire both. Radelia's keen sense for the arts and her impeccable taste have made her a trendsetter amongst the Salvan nobility, and her gatherings are some of the most sought-after invitations in the empire. She and Marchioness Kordev, share this and many other passions and are close, like their husbands are.   However, their lineage and legacy is imperiled as their daughter, and only heir, fled from Havenscross a few decades prior. Taking to a path neither her mother nor father could understand, let alone stomach, given their position. They know their daughter is very much alive and even where she is... her talents have made her quite the name in Arine, only adding to the further decline of her father's legacy. Even though members of the family hold a mixture of torrent emotions regarding her departure and lifestyle, there is little doubt they do greatly miss and mourn for her.

Beauty Eternal

Family Leader
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations