Kinxas Saadar

Kinxas Saadar (a.k.a. Venom Fang)

Kinxas Saadar, a Dragonborn of Black ancestry, is the iron-fisted ruler of the Draconic City of Rokthorl whose presence commands fear and respect in equal measure. Dragonborn rulers have overseen the city since the beginning, but power has always fluctuated and, presently, the Saadar Clan holds the most power. His warrior family lineage can be traced back to before Arine and the Salvae Empire were even ideas, And although his brood-ancestors once stood opposite Bartholomew, there grew a time when a greater threat poised itself against both factions, forcing them into an uneasy alliance. And while this alliance has held for centuries due to the honor-bound societal ways of the Dragonborn race, there are always those whom distrust the Chromatic ancestry of the Dragonborn as well as the Saadar Clan and the spheres of influence that they have over the Shadowlands. Some nobility fear the laws, rights, and rituals of the Draconic citizenry of Rokthrol, which can cause the balance of powers to sway violently and at near randomness.   Kinxas Saadar on his own is am imposing sight, standing an impressive height of just over seven feet, he towers over those who dare to cross his path even his own kin. His robust physique, weighing more than two-hundred and ninety pounds, speaks of the strength and power that courses through his veins. yet it is his visage that truly strikes awe and terror into the hearts of those who behold him. His piercing red eyes burn with an intensity that seems to penetrate one's very soul, leaving no room for doubt or defiance. The mark of a fierce warrior is etched upon his face, a hooked scar that traces a treacherous path from the top of his right temple, slicing down over the eye, traversing the front of his nose and mouth, and finally reaching the top of his sternum. It serves as a permanent reminder of battles fought and hardships endured.   Adorned in helmless, full plate armor, its obsidian surface exudes an aura of darkness and foreboding. The mirrored black plates are etched with intricate red scarring, reminiscent of the flames that rage within Kinxas' heart.   In his hands, Kinxas wields weapons that mirror his cruel and ruthless nature. His primary armament is a serrated, black-steel greatsword, a fearsome weapon that exudes an aura of malevolence. Its hollowed center speaks to the relentless void that resides within Kinxas' soul, forever craving power and dominance; at his side rests a serrated, black-steel dagger.   Kinxas' demeanor matches the dark ambiance that surrounds him. He is a ruler who understands the intricate web of power and politics, never underestimating the delicate balance required to maintain control. However, his inherent distrust of strangers and other races, even those among the Dragonborn who are not of the Saadar Clan, creates an air of hostility and suspicion.   Within the confines of Rokthrol, Kinxas is both judge and executioner, holding the lives and fates of its inhabitants in his merciless grasp. No offense, no matter how trivial, escapes his scrutiny. His adherence to the ancient ways of the Saadar Clan demands that he who passes the sentence must be the one to carry out the act. Whispers among the populace hint at a macabre enjoyment he takes in both the sentencing and the subsequent punishment, further fueling the tales of his efficiant ruthlessness.   In the shadows of Rokthrol, Kinxas' presence looms like a specter of fear, a constant reminder of the consequences that await those who dare to oppose him. His rule is founded on the ancient traditions of the Saadar Clan, with their elevated status and deeply ingrained prejudices against outsiders. He is a force to be reckoned with, a dark figure who enforces his will with a relentless determination and unyielding cruelty.   Those who encounter Kinxas Saadar understand the weight of his authority and the ominous air that surrounds him. In his cold gaze and hardened features, one can glimpse the embodiment of darkness and harsh judgment, a ruler who brooks no dissent and ensures that fear is the currency that flows through the veins of Rokthrol.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Hooked Scar from the top of the right temple down over the right eye, over the front of the nose and mouth to the top of his sternum.

Apparel & Accessories

Helmless, Black with Red Scarring, Full Plate   Jagged-edged, Black-steel Greatsword with a Hollowed Center   Jagged-edged, Black-steel Dagger


Contacts & Relations

Nyra Saadar
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Brood-lord of Rokthorl   Sentry of the Shadowlands
Year of Birth
955 ATS 45 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Dragon Scale
290 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic
Ruled Locations