
The territorial range of the region known as the Shadowlands in the Salvae Empire, aptly named as it sits between the largest remaining expanses of the Broken Spine of Salazar within the Empire as well as a overlapping a small part of the Floods of Cyrriane; encompassing the central regions of the Empire some two-hundred miles south of Arine stretching from the extreme eastern edges of the Ancola Forest eastward past Verdun southward to the central-northern borders of The Gold Plains.   Responsibility and rulership of the Shadowlands falls to Kinxas Saadar from his seat of power at the Dragonborn city of Rokthorl. Kinxas' rulership also encompasses the Bog of Fangs and the lost Dwarven Stronghold, Kar Ladur and overlaps its influence of the trading town of Verdun and the East Riverlands and House Kordev.
Geopolitical, Province
Ruling Organization