Arine Settlement in Trorune | World Anvil


The rolling hills are blanketed in a surrounding patchwork quilt of vibrant greens and golds, as far as the eye can see, the fields are dotted with small homesteads, each with its own small plot of crops and livestock, while windmills slowly turn in the gentle breeze, lending an air of peace and tranquility to the landscape that lead up to Arine, the capital of the Salvae Empire, home to the powerful Volker Dynasty, and headed by Emperor Lucian Volker and his wife, Empress Cherise Volker. Built up over generations by Salvan Kings, it is a city of grandeur and opulence, a symbol of the Empire's wealth and power. The city is divided into six distinct areas.   The Empiric District is home to Arine's most politically powerful citizens, including the emperor's palace, a grand and imposing structure of white marble at the rear of the city, overlooking the Gulf of Bartholomew. The Imperial Palace is the center of the Empire's political power, and it is here that the Volkers and the Small Council hold court and make decisions that affect the entire Salvae Empire and sometimes the entirety of Kalbela. While the great writings throughout the Ages are housed in the Reconditorium Temporis. The district is also home to the Academy of Arine, a prestigious magic university, where those gifted in all forms of magic are trained in the art of arcana.   The Entertainment District is a vibrant and bustling area situated near the Empiric District and the Merchant's District, at the west of the city. As denizens stroll through its lively streets, the sounds of laughter, music, and enchanting performances fill the air, creating an atmosphere of excitement and delight. At the center of the district stands the magnificent Twilight's Serenade Amphitheater, a grand structure adorned with graceful arches, intricate carvings, and shimmering mosaics. If one is looking for a different kind of beautiful art, the pleasure houses of The Sacred Garden will be more than happy to aid your deepest desires and unexplored fantasies.   The Merchant's District is home to the city's wealthier merchant class, and it is here that the city's main trade square is located near the center of the city. The square is a bustling hub of activity, filled with merchants selling goods from all over the Salvae Empire and beyond. The district is also home to grand merchant houses and crafting guilds, each vying for a share of the city's wealth and power.   The Military District, also known as Eastwatch, occupies the north-east part of the city and is home to the standing armies and the soldiers of Arine. It is also the location of the infamous Blackthorn Prison.   The Lower Ward is home to the general populace, it is the main access area to the city's port and harbor, which is a vital part of Arine's economy. The Lower Ward is a busy and crowded place, where the city's working-class lives and works. Here, the streets are lined with small shops, inns, taverns, brothels, pop-up markets, and the like; the air is filled with the sounds of commerce and the everyday livings of the citizenry. The Iron Vow Bounty Hunters are also stationed here, though finding them is easier said then done as they have safehouses scattered across the entire city.   And yet, despite Arine's grandeur and opulence, The Slums are a constant reminder of the harsh realities of life for some if not many in Kalbela. The area is plagued by crime, poverty, and squalor and many of the residents here struggle just to survive. The Slums are a place where the city's less fortuned citizens live, where they are left to fend for themselves, despite the support and interventions from the ruling class, it is still a hard life and an even rougher place to live and grow up. The streets are dirty and overcrowded, and the residents are often forced to beg or steal to make ends meet. The Slums are a place where the city's most vulnerable citizens live, and it is a constant reminder of the stark differences between the haves and have-nots in the city.


Humans-61%   Elf- 7%
  • High Elf- 3.25%
  • Wood Elf- 1.75%
  • Drow- 1.5%
  • Sea Elf- 0.5%
  Dwarf- 6%
  • Mountain Dwarf- 2.5%
  • Hill Dwarf- 3.5%
  Halfling- 4%   Gnome- 3%   Half-Orc- 3%   Half-Elf- 9%   Tiefling- 4%   Other Races- 5%


Stone Walls, Watch Towers, Drawbridge, Balistae and Trebuchets, Magi-Towers


Aquaducts, Shipyard


Empiric District   Entertainment District   Merchant's District   Military District   The Lower Ward   The Slums

Guilds and Factions

The Sacred Garden and its Six Branches make their home here. The Secret Garden in the Empiric District while the Branches are scattered around the Merchant's District while The Gilded Rose, The Gilded Jasmine, and The Gilded Firethorn are in the Entertainment District, nearest the Empiric District for convenience.