
The Minotaurs of Trorune are beings of might and labyrinthine lore that evoke both awe and a touch of fear with their imposing forms and storied history.   Standing between seven and eight feet tall, Minotaurs exude a primal strength and beastial ferocity that is reflected in their well-muscled bodies. Their heads are crowned with large, twisting horns that they carve runic glyphs or emboss with metal sheaths to display their strengths and battle prowess.   Originating from a lineage of legends and myths of the Raja'ri, their massively muscular frames and rugged bull-lke appearance, coupled with their innate cunning, make them a force to be reckoned with in both physical combat and strategic planning, though their terrifying form make those that interact with them rarely consider the latter over the former.   Minotaurs have a complex history intertwined with mazes and labyrinths beneath the surface-world of Kalbela. Their cultural ties to these structures have left a mark on their society and psyche as the. Minotaurs are known for their sense of honor and duty and prize individuality and strength.   Their affinity for adventure and exploration drives many Minotaur to venture beyond their ancestral homes. They are often drawn to challenges that test their physical prowess and mental acumen, mirroring their affinity for solving the intricate puzzles of life. This thirst for exploration also brings them into contact with various races and cultures, and they adapt readily to new environments.   Unbeknownst to many, the Minotaurs have a unique spiritual connection to the sea as well, as it resonates with their primal nature. Maritime Minotaurs are seafaring, embracing the open waters with an intensity matched only by their labyrinthine roots. Their ships are renowned for their sturdiness and intricate designs, reflecting their attention to detail and functional artistry.   Despite their intimidating presence, Minotaurs are not mindless, slavering beasts and oft display a reserved stoicism. In their tight-knit communities, bonds of brother and sisterhood are sacred, often forming the bedrock of their actions and decisions. Their love for storytelling and epic narratives gives rise to a vibrant oral tradition, preserving their history and values.
Scientific Name
Immanis taurus