The Fall, The Assault, and The Recovery of Bhor Taruhm Military Conflict in Trorune | World Anvil

The Fall, The Assault, and The Recovery of Bhor Taruhm

The Bhor Taruhm Campaign would span three war campaigns spanning from 780 ATS to 959 ATS. The first was the intitial attack: The Fall of Bhor Taruhm would be the prelude to the Ironfist Clan being ousted from their ancestral stronghold by the Blue Dragon Monyrrir and the loss of their sovereign nation state outside the jurisdiction of the Giamela Kingdom.   The fall led to a powerful allegiance between the Ironfists and the Rycalls on a vow of reclaiming Bhor Taruhm and the Bay of Respite and in 795 ATS, The Assault of Bhor Taruhm led by a coalition of Giamela-Ironfist forces would be routed after forcing Monyrrir to flee and the Raja'ri tribes would launch an attack of their own and overtake the stronghold.   It would be nearly two centuries in 959 ATS before The Recovery of Bhor Taruhm would be executed and the stronghold reclaimed, making the conflict over the Bay of Respite ebb into little more than border skirmishes.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
780 ATS
Ending Date
959 ATS