The Virgo Flor's Blessing

"My Lady is kind, my Lady is wise, but this devil's taint will never fade. Fleurs will be allowed love, but they will bear no heirs of blood, only name for a maiden pure, fourteen maidens fair will be brought to me. One mother, one daughter, twelve mare, will be blessed by my mother's moon."

Camaroon, the Guardian of Grove of Lurue

  During her duel with Ser Dalton Trant in 664 ATS, Lady Kiaya Fleur would be impaled and infected by a devil's blade of cursed fire and shadow, rendering her barren and her bloodline forever tainted. The Archfey Goddess, Lurue, who had been testing the young Fleur months, testing her resolve for months prior to the Charging of Flowers and the first Virgo Flor's Blessing.   The Fleur's Blood Curse is unique as far as curses go as it permeated from the physical infliction from the stabbing of Kiaya Fleur, but the Trant Twins as well as it was their brother was sacrificed. Lurue's blessing appeared to stave off the curse from all parties involved in the original ritual, yet it was always clear that the woman in the ritual were unable to bear their own children afterwards.


The first Virgo Flor Blessing was enacted by Lady Kiaya Fleur in Mirtul of 665 ATS at the demands of the Unicorn Queen, Lurue, the Trant twin daughters, and eleven maiden mares were demanded to total fourteen offerings. Future Fleur ladies would be asked to present a single virgin and twelve maiden mares to the Unicorn Camaroon and no longer required to not view Camaroon's process during the ritual. There has not been a set of twin daughters used in the ceremony since the first and to date the age of the Marchioness or her daughter has not show relevancy, though the daughter's purity and chaste is paramount.   Corruption of Dalton Trant   Lurue's Gift and the Blessing of Kiaya Fleur

Components and tools

A dozen maiden mares are brought as custom.


The Marchioness of Brusel attends and leads the ceremony with her "daughter"; the girl will have been hand-selected by the Marchioness to be her successor and become her daughter.   The Unicorn of the Grove of Lurue, Camaroon, blesses the maiden mares with foals to bring new and invigorated blood into their bloodlines as well as continue the line of pedigree between the unblooded pair.


The Virgo Flor's Blessing is enacted at midnight during the full moon of Mirtul.
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