Unicorn's Bastion

Nestled at the rear of Brusel, stands a small keep known as Unicorn’s Bastion, the abode of Marchioness Fleur. This architectural gem seamlessly blends with the equestrian theme that permeates the greater city. Built with sturdy stone walls and adorned with intricate woodwork, Unicorn’s Bastion exudes elegance and strength.   As one approachs the keep, they are greeted by a grand entrance gate, flanked by statues of majestic unicorn and horses in full gallop. The gate opens into a spacious courtyard, where knights and soldiers train in mounted combat, their steeds displaying grace and agility. The air resonates with the rhythmic sound of hooves and the clashing of practice weapons.   Unicorn’s Bastion boasts a central tower rising above the surrounding structures, offering a commanding view of the city and its picturesque surroundings. The tower's roof is adorned with weathered copper accents. Banners bearing the sigil of House Fleur flutter in the wind.   Inside, the keep's interior is a testament to the equestrian culture that permeates Brusel. The great hall features tapestries depicting legendary horses and knights, their heroic deeds forever immortalized. Adorned with rich wooden beams and polished stone floors, the hall serves as a gathering place for knights, nobles, and horse enthusiasts alike.   The personal quarters of the Marchioness overlook the bustling streets of Brusel, while a private study houses shelves filled with tomes on horsemanship, military strategy, and the history of renowned knights. A small balcony offers a respite for the marchioness, where she can admire the city's equestrian spirit and take solace in the sight of the verdant plains stretching beyond.   Unicorn’s Bastion also encompasses stables, where the marchioness keeps her family’s prized war and riding horses. The stables are meticulously maintained, with spacious stalls and expert grooms attend to the needs of the magnificent steeds, they themselves steeped in the lore and myth of the Fleur Family's legacy. The sound of whinnies and gentle nickering fill the air as horses are groomed and prepared for rides through the vast countryside. While the rear of the stables leads to the Grove of Lurue, a small grove with a lone wisteria tree encircled by a small moat and a horseshoed trail of polished moonstones at its center. It is a most sacred place to the Fleur Family and steeped in much of their, and Brusel's, founding history so much so that her forebearers had the keep built around it without so much as disturbing a single blade of grass within a hundred paces of it in any direction.   The keep seamlessly integrates Brusel's equestrian focus, and serves as a symbol of the city's admiration for horsemanship and mounted combat. Unicorn’s Bastion stands as a testament to the skills and prowess of Marchioness Fleur, a beacon of inspiration for aspiring riders and warriors who call Brusel their home and draw horsemen from across Kalbela.
Founding Date
15th Day of Mirtul, 565 ATS
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