Warwick Family

House Warwick is a knighted, Salvan House that serves as a vassal to House Moss, mainly as stewards at the very edges of the border of The Steppes and the Moss Family's influences near the southern section of the Twins. Led by the knight, Ser Yorl Warwick, he is the ruler of the only major water crossing in between the Steppes and the Southern Lands, overwatched by the Towers of Yorl, Warwick's crowning achievement. So much so that he took them as his sigil when he was knighted about seventy or so years ago and since then he and his kin have done little beyond that.   Old man Yorl is quite fond of the towers as they can be easily manned and guarded by fifty or so men as the bridge is barely wide enough to allow a pair of carriages to cross.   Ser Warwick, however, does not have the greatest of reputations in the courts in the Steppes or otherwise. His love for his towers and women is beyond recognition; so much so that many jest that if he were to ever recieve a barony, he should be forced change his sigil to that of a mangy and decrepit lion mounting a woman and his words would be "Nine Lives, Nine Seconds, Nine Months" having outlived at least a dozen wives, thus far, and bedding many more than that. His halls are littered with his innumerable heirs that between the trueborns and the bastards, most honestly don't even know who is next in line as he's outlived several of his heirs thus far and a majority of the other noble houses have privately or publicly stated they do not want to mix their family name and reputation, or their bloodline, with the Elephant Seal's progeny; seeming that even the gods themselves don't want him as the crotchety old bastard simply refuses to die and is in remarkably fit form considering his age, some healers think he could go another decade at least if he stays the way he is now.
Founding Date
942 ATS
Ruling Organization
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories