The Thunder of Talos

Geological / environmental event


"I wonder if babes born of this spring will ever know what the light of the sun feels like, or if they will think they are still floating in the wombs of their mothers... the Storm Lord clearly seeks greater oblations. One can only hope he does not take more than what can be sacrificed, but I know that he will... he always does and I am glad for it. Praise the wrath of Talos!"

Stormlord Mason Sinclair, excerpt from The Wrath of Gods and Nature

For near two months the rains poured over the Broken Spine and the Ancola Forest. Those that made the trip southwest or south around Rokthorl said the mud and waters surrounding the plains and hills were ankle and shin deep on some paths making travel, trade, and general living a nighmare for the citizens of Salvae Empire.

Related Location
Kar Ladur
Related timelines & articles
History of Kalbela
History of the Salvae Empire