Attich Ethnicity in Trutina | World Anvil
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Representing the second largest group of Atacodia, the Attich people are very similar to the Codian people. While the former mostly inhabit the southern part of the country, the Attich people live in the northern part of it. Most Attich people have blond hair and blue eyes are fairly common amongst them, but overall they are hard to distinguish from Codians.    

Methodical Flock

Attich people have been under the influence of The Church of Order for a very long time and some of its inherent values imbedded themselves into their culture. Even compared to the people of Westatoras, they are often very religious, usually following more seemingly unimportant tenets that relate to personal lives. Thus their way of life is often considered to be 'righteous' by religious people.    

Born Architects

Whilst they are less inclined to building towers than their southern brothers, Attich people are naturally inclined to industrialization and construction. Men are expected to know basic architecture, such as how to build houses, barns and other common structures and often do it themselves instead of hiring other people for such a task. As a result, many of them actually pursue a career as architects, but few manage to reach higher status.    

Divided Society

Men and women serve different purposes in Attich society. While men are expected to be builders, warriors and leaders, almost all other responsibilities are left to the women. Raising children, tending to the gardens, making food are all things that women have to do in their families or face punishment. Young boys are expected to offer to help around the house as early as age 6 until their 'proper' education begins with their father's tutelage.

Midday Chase

Similarly to the Codian tradition, Attich people also practice the tradition of the midday chase. Their version is different to the Codian's however. The Attich midday chase is much rarer, occurring on the first day of every month, instead of daily. Before the sermon starts at 11:00, all the maidens of the settlement tie a ribbon into their hair and walk out of the temple before the sermon ends, around 5 minutes before 12:00 and wait for it to finish. At 12:00, men who wish to find a wife run out of the temple and the chase begins. If a man catches a girl, he can start courting her. Naturally, only one man can catch a maiden.
Encompassed species


  • Ambitious
  • Loyal
  • Diligent


  • Coward
  • Content
  • Trusting


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