Codian Ethnicity in Trutina | World Anvil
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Forming the largest ethnic group within Atacodia, the Codians are an ancient people who have influenced much of The Continent's history. Most foreigners have a hard time distinguishing Codians from Lacrian or Attich people, but Codians generally have lighter hair colors compared to them.

Beacons of Order

Codian people have been converted by The Church of Order a long time ago and its focus on collective duty engraved itself into the Codian culture. They are usually very religious and often take part in forceful conversions of foreign realms. When their faith or home is under attack, Codians don't hesitate to take up arms and defend themselves and what they deem valuable. Their conviction often grants them an almost unnatural level of bravery in the face of death.

Builders of Towers

While their architectural capabilities are not exceptional compared to other cultures or races, the word Codian can be roughly translated to "Builders of Towers". This name alludes to their tendency to make fortified structures wherever they can, often with the help of foreign architects and workers. Within the Kingdom of Atacodia, there are a lot of insignificant nobles, who amassed enough wealth to build their own towers, which often provides a unique look to their cities.


Mostly due to their fighting spirit, Codians often shun cowardly people and those who are more prone to such behavior, such as women. While they are respected in some capacity, Codian women are often treated badly within their society, which usually has two outcomes. Either the woman becomes docile and subservient, or fierce and authorative by the time they grow up.    

Cultural Warriors


These highly trained warriors stem from Atacodian customs. When a distinguished soldier retires and gets a piece of land for himself, some become farmers, lord and even proper nobles. Not the Edelbauer however. They are warriors who still seek the thrill of the fight and sell their land for money, which they spend on high quality gear and offer their services as elite bodyguards and swords for hire.
Noble Servants. An Edelbauer is a rare, rich mercenary and their gear reflects that. They usually have expertly made armor, including plate suits and high quality weapons, both ornamentation. They often use very dangerous and versatile weapons, such as halberds and poleaxes. Those who prefer to fight at a distance often wield powerful crossbows and carry large shields with them that can be deployed as cover.

Midday Chase

Codian people have developed a few traditions of their own throughout their existence, mostly related to Order worship. One of these that is almost immediately apparent to any visitor is the Midday Chase. While the sermon held at 11 o'clock is widely practiced in Orderly Kingdoms, the Codians take this to the next level. When the bell rings at 10:55, Codians drop everything to run to the nearest temple. The priests close the temple's doors at 11:00. Anyone who is locked out has to either bring an animal, such as pig or chicken or offer themselves instead for the chase. Then they tie a ribbon on their animal's or their own necks and prepare for the chase at the entrance of the temple. Most temples have these ribbons hung outside the temple door for easy access. Once the door opens, those locked outside either release their animal or start running to their home. If an animal or individual manages to reach their home, they have 'escaped the gods' ire'. If an animal with a ribbon is caught by someone other than its owner, they might keep them, although it is customary to return the animal to its owner. After the chase, the ribbons are returned to the temple and everyone returns to their work. While participation in the chase is entirely voluntary, most codians take part, especially the young.
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  • Ambitious
  • Loyal
  • Diligent


  • Coward
  • Content
  • Trusting


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