Atacodia Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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Atacodia is the largest and most powerful Kingdom on the Continent and has been around for the better part of a millennium in some form. It is located in the center of the peninsula and borders almost all major players in the Continent's political game. Due to this fact and the strain its size places on its bureaucracy, the kingdom has been stagnating for a few hundred years.  


The Kingdom of Atacodia is ruled by the King of Atacodia and their title passes down according to Ultimogeniture, ensuring that the power stays in the hands of the same individual for a long time.   While the king rules over the realm, a high degree of autonomy is granted to the dukes of the realm.  

Culture and Religion

The Kingdom of Atacodia and its people have been staunch believers of The Church of Order for centuries and it is the only acceptable faith within their borders.
Most of its inhabitants fall into two groups, the Attich and the Codian. The name of the kingdom itself comes from these groups too. The two groups are often confused as there are only negligible differences.  


Despite its decentralized leadership, the Kingdom of Atacodia can field formidable armies. When at war, the dukes of the realm raise levies and knights to serve as a core armed force, which is usually larger than most people would assume.

These armies are individually led by their dukes and usually act independently of each other, which allows for a very potent offensive if their opponent concentrates their forces and leaves parts of their territory unprotected.

Most of their forces are poorly equipped, wielding simple polearms such as spears and the occasional halberd, but the richer nobles can afford a well-equipped retinue and mercenaries who often have better gear than their opponents.

The best of their technology is reserved for the King himself however. Researchers and mages work tirelessly to provide cutting edge technology for the ruler and his personal guard as well as his retinue.  

Notable Locations

Flugburg: The Capital city of Atacodia and the residence of her King, Flugburg is said to be built on a mountain so high, even its foot sits above the clouds.   Hugelhof: Despite its relatively small size, the city of Hugelhof is one of the most important settlements in Atacodia. It sits on the Southern part of Hugel, a small mountain rich of valuable metals, including gold, iron and according to some myths, even Adamantine. While the latter is not confirmed, the city itself does export the expensive metal.   Mittstein: One of the largest trading hubs in the country, Mittstein stretches between two mountain ranges, making it a valuable trading route as well as an important strategic location.
Form of Government
Hereditary Monarchy
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Related Ethnicities

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