Behemoth Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Behemoth is a gigantic beast that roams The Darklands. It is the Earth Aspect of the Three Primordial Beasts of the Darklands.   The Behemoth has only been seen by one human ever, an Order missionary who travelled the landmass disguised as a drow. He and dark elves describe the beast as a fearsome creature made up of various animals. It has the strong body of a powerful bull, the head similar to that of a hippopotamus with a trunk and tusks of an elephant. Its skin is made of bronze, its bones are iron and it emanates a shadowy aura of fear where it goes. The Behemoth can breathe fire and ice.   Whilst the description indicates a weird amalgamation of animals, all who have seen the creature describe it as a force of nature and a horrific sight to behold. Thankfully, the Behemoth is mostly peaceful and rarely attacks people when they avoid it as it prefers to eat grass and other plants.  

Behemoth in Drow Belief

Besides the elven gods of Solcritoel and Volublectyth , many dark elves revere the Three Aspects of the Darklands, also known as the Three Primordial Beasts. These are large creatures created by Volublectyth that roam the landmass and its surroundings. One of these is the Behemoth, which is thought to be the avatar of the land and rocks of The Darklands. According to legend, the Behemoth protects the dark elves from outside invasion, only tolerating the humans on the landmass because dark elves have fled from them during their invasion. The Behemoth also eats the indigenous plants of the land and its feces fertilizes the continent which allows the drow to grow crops there.    
As a missionary of the Order, I've traveled to many different lands and encountered all sorts of creatures. But nothing could have prepared me for the sight of the Behemoth. I was traveling through The Darklands, disguised as a drow in order to avoid drawing attention to myself. It was then that I first heard rumors of the Behemoth, a creature said to be the Earth Aspect of the Three Primordial Beasts.     At first, I dismissed the rumors as mere superstition. But then, as I traveled deeper into the land, I saw it for myself. The Behemoth stood before me, a towering mass of bronze and iron, with the body of a bull, the head of a hippopotamus, and the trunk and tusks of an elephant. It radiated a shadowy aura of fear that sent shivers down my spine.     But the Behemoth paid me no attention, instead grazing on the nearby grasses. I was both relieved and terrified at the same time. I knew that if it decided to attack, there would be little I could do to defend myself.     As I watched the Behemoth, I noticed something strange. It seemed to be breathing fire and ice, alternating between the two with each breath. I couldn't imagine what sort of creature would possess such power.   But as quickly as it had appeared, the Behemoth turned and lumbered away, disappearing into the distance. I was left stunned and shaken by the encounter, but also grateful to have survived. It was a humbling reminder of the power and majesty of the creatures that inhabit the world, and the importance of respecting them.
-Missionary Claucius
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