The Darklands Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Darklands


The Darklands is a landmass located between all the other continents and it is the home of the Dark Elves. Except for a smaller human kingdom on the North-Eastern shore of the landmass, it completely controlled by the Dhaerenuiin Impaerin.   The landmass is characterized by its dark colored soil and harsh environment. Despite its barren appearance, these lands can be fertile and allowed the Dark Elves to create an empire of their own. Besides the elves, various creatures and beasts inhabit the continent that have adapted to its harsh climate and hostile inhabitants. Compared to The Continent, these animals are much more deadly and far more common, which necessitated a more warlike mentality from the Dark Elves.    The Darklands is a place of danger, but it can also be a land of beauty if you know where to look. The landmass is filled with unique rock formations, picturesque canyons and extraordinary chasms that make it wondrous to travelers.   Besides these natural locales, various supernatural locations can be found here as well, most of which have been colonized by elves due to their affinity to magic and magical places. Some examples of these locations are the Moon Shard of Vol'shalak, the Black Snow at Dhaeressuhin and the Shallow Shores of Shirii'roi.    


The Darklands is surrounded by water and every trip to other nations, be it diplomatic or aggressive in nature requires sea travel.  

The Elven Seas

As its name suggests, the Elven Seas lie to the North of the Darklands, between The Continent, the Darklands and The Elf Lands. The Southern areas of these waters are primarily patrolled by Dark Elf slaver ships, while the Northern areas are populated by human and elven merchants travelling between the Elf Empire and the Continent.  

Dhaeros Waters

The sea to the South of the Darklands is filled with various islands, fearsome sea creatures and most notably, dark elf slavers. They travel to the Tail of Aitrun and take its inhabitants as slaves.  

Slave Gulf

Technically, the Slave Gulf is part of the Dhaeros Waters, but it is a part of the sea that no human ever dares to go to as it serves as a hub for slavery and anyone unfortunate enough to travel there in a non-drow ship is a potential slave in their eyes.
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