Blakfort Coat of Arms Item in Trutina | World Anvil
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Blakfort Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of the Blakfort Dynasty and the kingdom of Blakfort is as follows:   Two equal shields divide the main shield:
Blakfort Shield Eilnala Shield
The left shield, made of gold and black squares represents the ancestral colors of the Blakfort dynasty. The Gold represents wealth and generosity, while the black represents their endurance and honesty. The right shield, made of light blue represents the coat of arms of the Eilnala dynasty. The light blue represents serenity and sophistication. It also represents the family's ties to the clear skies of Eilna (Eagle Island).
In the top-left corner of the Blakfort shield is an open hand representing Elevalos, the god of empathy and cooperation. In the center is a white eagle, representing strength and nobility. The white eagle is also the royal animal of the Eilnala house as the animal is indigenious to Eilna.
In the top-right corner, a hand holding a hammer represents Ostinatos, who embodies the core virtues of the dynasty: loyalty and determination. Around the white eagle are 5 fleurs-de-lys, each representing a new woman member of their dynasty. Richsa Eilnala was the fifth Eilnala to reach adulthood.
In the middle of the bottom half, a bastion represents Austium as the home of the family. Originally, the right shield was more of a tear-drop shape, but it was reshaped to fit the coat-of-arms.
The dark blue making up the rest of the coat of arms represents the lakes of Lacager.
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