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Blakfort Kingdom

The Blakfort Kingdom is a medium sized Kingdom in the center of the Continent. It has been established around 500 years ago, slowly expanding over time, but recently it began to loose some of its territory.  


The Kingdom of the Blakfort Dynasty is ruled by the Blakfort King.

The King has absolute power over the realm through his vassals. Each duchy in the realm is ruled by a noble who answers directly to him.  

Culture and Religion

The Blakfort Kingdom is officially an Orderly Kingdom, so The Church of Order is the official and only legally accepted religion in the country. Despite this fact, a large portion of the country secretly practices various forms of Chaos worship .   The overwhelming majority of its population is human, but some other, humanoid species can be found throughout the realm. Generally, the more similar someone is to humans, the more accepted they are, with the exception of centaurs, who have been living in harmony with the Krovian population for hundreds of years.   Most of the Kingdom's population is of the Lacrian culture.  


The Blakfort Kingdom has a professional standing army in addition to the levied forces of the various nobles within the realm. Despite its limited size relative to neighboring countries' militaries, the Royal Blakfort Army is a formidable force with well-trained and disciplined warriors.   They are outfitted with time-tested weaponry, such as pikes and bows, but they also employ spellcasters and various siege engines when the need arises.   While the Kingdom has seen some of its territory lost in recent decades, it was never the result of a military defeat. This is partially thanks to the international reputation of its armed forces, which has proven itself against almost all possible opponents on the Continent.  

Notable Locations

Austium: The largest city in the western part of the Kingdom and a bustling metropolis, Austium is the de facto capital of the Blakfort Kingdom. It is believed that the currently ruling king resides here, but they haven't been seen by the people in decades.
Cirflucas: Located next to the fabled Round River, this city is home to many scholars and engineers, all of whom try to understand and harness the seemingly endless power of the river. The majority of the kingdom's weaponry comes from this city.
Striflucas: Located between the Western Peaks and the Sentinels, Striflucas is a sizeable city that is home to the Primas, the religious leader within Kingdom. It serves as a trading hub between Avadell and Lacager.
Norlawich: The largest city in the Northeastern part of the Kingdom, Norlawich is a major trading center. As this area of the kingdom is quite treacherous, traders and merchants are willing to pay more to be transported by boat, instead of braving the roads around the lake. This caused a bunch of mercenaries to find work in the city.
Merilacus: This city is the only one in the kingdom that was built by royal decree. Its streets were made to form a grid pattern, and a sophisticated system of channels provide fresh water in every part of the city. While it is more or less self-sufficient, the reason of its construction is unknown, as King Baraton IV who ordered its construction died before it was finished.


  • Blakfort Kingdom
    The lands that pay taxes to the reclusive rulers of the Blakfort Dynasty .

    The Blakfort Kingdom is primarily inhabited by humans, but there is a significant dwarven population as well.

    The declining kingdom is home to many cities and cultures, however the languages of the old inhabitants have been lost to the ages.
Form of Government
Hereditary Monarchy
Location under
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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