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Byzanton Brothers

Near the mysterious, foggy mountain of Mantis Vonuo, two creatures lurk. Named after the city of Byzanton, the former capital of Ostatoras which is located on Mantis Vonuo, these entities keep everyone and everything away from the cursed city.   Most commonly believed to be Order Demons, the two brothers resemble four-armed human men with metallic skin and armor. Whilst they look quite similar to each other at first glance, there are considerable differences between the two.
  • The first brother, often called Partirtís wields an incredibly powerful bow and magical arrows. In his other hands, he holds a long scepter, thought to be a conduit of powerful magic. On his back, Partritís carries a shield, but no one ever came close enough to the creature to see it wielded.
  • The second brother, Iptamen Dykajos wields a sword and a spear as well as his shield. Iptamen Dykajos also has wings that grant him the ability to cover a lot of ground very quickly.
The two entities, mostly the second brother patrol the area around Mantis Vonuo and mercilessly hint anyone who comes close and is spotted by them. While Iptamen Dykajos flies around the mountain searching for intruders, Partritís stays in the largest tower of Byzanton, watching over the city and the area with godly sight. If he sees anyone other than his brother, he uses his bow to deal with the intruder from miles away. Iptamen Dykajos uses a more conventional method flying up to and killing any trespasser with extreme prejudice.     The brothers of Byzanton are puzzling being, their true purpose is a mystery to every scholar and researcher. Their presence sprouted various myths and legends about them and their arrival. Their occupation of Byzanton was lost to history and all those who lived through it are long dead since. Their presence did leave a mark on Ostatoras however. Many of their equipment resembles the look of the brothers and they are commonly worshipped as the patrons of warriors within the empire. The two figure also makes an appearance on the coat of arms of the empire.  

Byzanton Brothers in Ostatoras Belief

Many different myths, theories and legends circulate around these creatures, but there are three that are most often subscribed to. The first is that the then young Ostatoras was so wretched and chaotic, that the Order Gods sent their demons to take their capital and teach them a lesson. Another myth is that the brothers are guarding a safe haven or part of the Great Mechanism on Trutina. When the utopia comes, it will begin in Byzanton. The third most common theory is that the brothers are actually Devils , corrupted by Kaos and malicious. They are building an army that will one day conquer all of Trutina.  
I was part of a group of adventurers, seeking the treasure rumored to be hidden in the abandoned city of Byzanton. We knew of the legends about the brothers, but we didn't take them seriously enough. We thought we could outsmart them or find a way to bypass their patrol. How wrong we were. As we approached the mountain, we saw Iptamen Dykajos flying towards us. His wings created strong winds that made it hard to keep our balance. He didn't speak, he just attacked. His sword and spear moved with unnatural speed, and his shield blocked every arrow and spell we threw at him. One by one, my companions fell to his wrath. I managed to hide behind a boulder, hoping to survive the encounter.   That's when I saw Partritís. He was aiming his bow at us, but he didn't shoot. Instead, he was looking straight at me. I don't know how he spotted me, but his godly sight seemed to pierce through the rock. I could feel his gaze on me, and it paralyzed me with fear.   Iptamen Dykajos landed next to me, and I prepared to meet my end. But he didn't attack me. Instead, he kneeled down and bowed his head. I looked at him, confused and scared. That's when I heard Partritís' voice in my head.   "You are the only one who survived," he said. "You may leave, but you must spread the word. Tell everyone not to come here. Tell them the brothers of Byzanton will not tolerate any trespassers. If you do not, we will find you, no matter where you hide."   I nodded, unable to speak. Iptamen Dykajos lifted me up with one of his arms and carried me away from the mountain. When I turned around, the brothers were gone.   I never returned to the area around Mantis Vonuo, and I kept my promise to spread the warning about the brothers of Byzanton. I still have nightmares about that encounter, and I know I'm lucky to be alive.
- Anonymous
Iptamen Dykajos
Current Location


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