Trutina Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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While Trutina is the name of the Universe or the Material Plane, it is commonly used to refer to a planet by its inhabitants. It has 4-6 distinct landmasses. The number can differ based on who you ask. These are The Continent, OrkagrAitrun, Mortoram, The Darklands and The Elf Lands which is a subcontinent of Mortoram.   These landmasses are home to various races, species and cultures, but the most widespread of these are the humans and their various ethnicities.  


The planet is located within the Solar System, where it orbits around the Sun (or Sol, as called in Elvish). The planet has four seasons and makes a full revolution around Sol in 365 days. The planet also rotates around its own axis and has a day-night cycle. Every rotation takes 24 hours.   The planet also has a Moon (or Vol, as called in Elvish). It orbits around the planet and completes a full revolution in 28 days.


  • Trutina
    While the word Trutina means the entire universe, it is most commonly used to refer to the planet.
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