Caracallan Ethnicity in Trutina | World Anvil
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By far the largest ethnic group on The Continent, the Caracallan people make up the majority of the population of Westatoras and the upper echelons of Ostatoras. Caracallan people are spread out on the Western side of The Continent and as a result, have a surprising variety in terms of skin color, ranging from pale white to something similar to those of Faelorean people. They have pronounced noses and their hair is usually brown.    


Caracallan people gave rise to many things that define The Continent today, including the Atoras Empire and The Church of Order. They pride themselves on being the founders of such grand organizations and often attempt to be the creators of grand things.   As the original adopters of the Order, Caracallan people have a strong connection to it and it is extremely rare that a Caracallan person adopts Chaos worship of any kind. The Order's influence didn't transform their society much, as it was already quite similar.    

A Gift and a Curse

The population of Westatoras has seen a steep increase in magically capable people, mostly sorcerers in the last few hundred years. This phenomenon is not well understood and most of these sorcerers are feared and maimed upon discovery. Most often their eyes are cut out as they can appear reptilian and thus reveal their capabilities. The rulers of Westatoras employ these sorcerers in their army and use them as potent weapons on the battlefield.    

Land of Plenty

The Western part of The Continent is full of fertile land, allowing the Caracallan people to grow vast amounts of crops and thus, grow their population. This led to a separation of people along the lines of numbers, meaning that the more numerous a group is, the less their members are valued individually. Caracallan society is structured into strata, where peasants are viewed as lower class, followed by soldiers as both are very numerous. Above them are the clergy and artisans and at the top are the nobility. While an individual is not locked into their stratum, intermingling is not common. Members of a lower stratum can't marry upwards, but if they reach a higher stratum after their marriage, their spouse goes along with them.     

Marble Masters

Caracallan people also pride themselves on their logistical, architectural and artistic capabilities. Their cities have various services, such as sewer systems, theatres, arenas and so on. These special buildings, alongside residential buildings are often made of white marble, a resource that is plentiful in their homeland. Masterfully carved columns and statues decorate these buildings, rivalled only by high elven architecture. Sprawling cities are supplied by roads and aqueducts carry water from the mountains to their cities. Artisans are highly respected and often acquire such wealth that they can buy themselves into nobility.


Whilst they are capable warriors when trained, most Caracallan people prefer the strategic side of warfare. To satisfy this interest, various forms of games have been created that simulate war to some extent. Some are simple with only a few key rules to remember that offer a quick game, while others are complicated and large, requiring days to complete. While the children play with wooden swords, the adults fight battles of the mind at a table or in the garden.   The most common game is chess, which simplifies warfare into a set number of figures and moves that those figures can make. This game is easy to set up, easy to store, but can provide a mental challenge to even the most experienced players.
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  • Diligent
  • Ambitious
  • Zealous


  • Chaotic
  • Lazy
  • Cynical


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