Faelorean Ethnicity in Trutina | World Anvil
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Inhabiting the Southern shore of The Continent and various islands on the Shallow Sea, the Faelorean people might be the most visually distinct of all the various ethnicities of the landmass. They have darker skin and black or dark brown hair.    


Faelorean people were one of the 'easiest' to convert to the Order for two reasons. They have always been less prone to religious zealotry than their neighbors and thus offered minimal resistance to the aggressively expanding Church of Order. Secondly, they are known to be witty traders who often adopt technologies and ideas from those they trade with, which allowed the Order to infiltrate their society long before their people directly bordered the converted territories.
This trading nature allowed their people to prosper and reach a sizeable population, making Faeloreans the second largest ethnic group on The Continent   


Second only to Scovonians, the Faelorean people love sailing and building ships. They are taught the values of the sea from a very young age and many of them long for it, which is why they are mostly concentrated on the shoreline and islands. Like Codians with their towers, Faelorean towns are dotted with piers and boats of various sizes.   Faelorean people can and do build all manner of ships, most often at the order of a king or emperor. Their trading ships are large, spacious and stable, while their smaller boats are fast and agile. The most fearsome of their constructions are the various longships, outfitted with sails and rows of oars. The number of these rows can vary from one to five depending on the size of the vessel. These ships are often armed with ballistae and have a ramming nose that deals devastating damage to enemy ships. While it is rare to see these kinds of ships in the hands of pirates, it is not without example.  


Many Faeloreans believe in various myths and legends that are probably exaggerated and follow superstitious habits to safeguard against supernatural dangers. Due to their similar habit of sailing, a lot of Faelorean people actually adopt beliefs from the Scovonian Old Faith.


Unlike Scovonians who are adept at staying above water even when wearing armor, the Faelorean people perfected diving instead. The ability to hold your breath for a long time is viewed as a sign of good health and fitness. A well trained diver can hold their breath for as long as 15 minutes.   Faelorean pirates regularly adopt a technique called the "moth swarm". Using a worthless boat or dingy, the pirates will assault a trading ship and crash into it, jumping off their boat as if they wanted to survive, but pretend to drown in a few seconds. Holding their breath, they hold onto the attacked ship using tools made for this purpose and wait as long as they can before climbing out and hiding on the side of the ship or inside of it if they can. Once the crew is sleeping or occupied (by for example another pirate attack) they come out of their hiding places and ambush the crew.   These operations usually involve a number of boats and a 'mothership' that tails the targeted vessel and picks up any pirate that didn't manage to stay on the ship.
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