Elevalos Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Helpful God (a.k.a. Ellor)

Elevalos is the Order God of Solidarity, Empathy and Cooperation. He is the most beloved god of the Order as he is deeply concerned with the well-being of Order followers. He helps them with knowledge, good fortune and mental fortitude.  


Elevalos is usually depicted as regular man in a peasant's clothing offering his hat.  


His symbol, the Open hand is the most common way to represent Elevalos, but sometimes his followers draw a vague outline of a hat.  


As Elevalos is the Helpful God, he does not demand things, nor does he command demons to do his bidding. That being said, many people and demons help him voluntarily.  


Elevalos is a benevolent entity who can talk to people telepathically during prayer and provide solutions for problems. When a faithful person is in need of greater assistance, demons might appear to help them on behalf of Elevalos.   Elevalos in Stories of the Gods

Associated Colors

Salmon, Lilac
Divine Classification

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