Getan Ethnicity in Trutina | World Anvil
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Forming the largest group of Ostatoras, the Getan people are very influential across The Continent. They are almost indistinguishable from Caracallan people, but they mostly have lighter skin tones.    


Geran people adopted the Order in a unique way. As they are quite open-minded and progressive relative to their neighbors, they were persuaded into changing their faith. Geran rulers saw the reasoning behind The Church of Order and converted without the need for violent conversion attempts. The common folk soon followed.   The religious zealotry of the Order stuck with the Geran people, making later conversion attempts much more difficult, but they remained open to new ideas and most importantly, new technologies.    

Meticulous Precision

Geran people are often praised for their precision both in timing and work. A Geran person is expected to be on time and doing their best regardless of the job at hand. Geran craftsmanship is unmatched amongst humans when it comes to small things, such as jewelry, time-keeping devices and decorations. Geran guilds spread far and wide as their work is sought after in various courts even outside of Ostatoras.    

Worth in Gold

Geran people have become one of the richest on The Continent thanks to the amount of gold mines that can be found in their homeland as well as due to trading. Most Geran rich families have palaces and a number of servants that take care of their lords, while the Geran nobles spend their time on philosophy and scientific pursuits.   Appearances are very important to Geran people and they always try to showcase their wealth whenever possible. From lavish residences to brightly colored and sometimes even magical garments. Geran nobility appears unrealistically wealthy to the common man.

Philosopher's Stone

One of the most common pastimes of Geran nobles is alchemy. They are less interested in the creation of healing salves and common potions. Geran nobles invested a lot of time and money into the creation of a 'philosopher's stone', an item that can turn metals into gold. While a few of these have been created, they were all destroyed and the method for their creation was lost time and time again.
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  • Open-minded
  • Introspective
  • Greedy


  • Stupid
  • Gregarious
  • Stubborn


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